Eclipse Handly™ 0.5

Handly is breaking new ground with the 0.5 release, a true "2.0" version in spirit. This release, scheduled to coincide with Eclipse Neon, introduces an entirely new design that gives the implementor of a Handly-based model complete control over the model API. Among other things, this should make it possible to use Handly for (re-)implementing handle-based models where the model API is a given, just as in the case of a preexisting model API that needs to be preserved for backward compatibility. Many of the core APIs have been revised in this release to make Handly even more flexible and robust.

New and Noteworthy

Migration Guide


Release Date
Release Type
Major release (API breakage)
Name Date Description
M1 2016/04/18 An attempt at API freeze towards the 0.5 release
Final 2016/06/22