Eclipse JGit: Java implementation of Git 4.9.3

Bug fixes

  • #536777 Delete empty refs directories
  • ResolveMerger: Fix encoding with string; use bytes
  • Ensure DirectoryStream is closed promptly in GC#deleteTempPacksIdx
  • Retry when stale file handles on .git/config file cause read errors when the config file is replaced by another process
  • #531118 Fix ssh host name handling for Jsch
  • Fix that Jsch overrides the port in the URI with the one in ~/.ssh/config
  • #529173 Revert handling of ssh IdentityFile to pre-4.9 behavior
  • #528886 Strings#convertGlob: fix incorrect attributes pattern matching in case of brackets inside brackets
  • PackInserter: Ensure objects are written at the end of the pack
  • Do not ignore path deletion errors but log as warning when an attempt to remove a directory fails.
  • Gerrit bug #9153 Fix LockFile semantics when running on NFS
  • Honor trustFolderStats also when reading packed-refs
  • Fix exception handling for opening bitmap index files when index file was deleted by gc run in another process
Release Date
Release Type
Service release (bug fixes only)