- Added no-args constructor into the injectable beans
- Fixes lazy loading metadata at the EntityMetadata
- Fixes ParameterMedataData to not thrown NullPointException when it’s built with a Parameter without @Column or @Id annotations
- Fixes Reflections.getConstructor() method logic to detect constructors with parameters annotated with @Id or @Column
- Removed unnecessary attribute and constructor arguments from CassandraColumnManagerFactory and its dependent classes;
- Update Cassandra driver to 4.16.0
- Update DynamoDb to version 2.20.98
- Update Elasticsearch to version 8.8.2
- Update Hazelcast to version 5.3.1
- Update MongoDB driver to version 4.10.1
- Update Apache Solr driver to version 9.2.1
- Update Testcontainer to version 1.18.3