Eclipse Jubula Functional Testing Tool 5.0 (Oxygen)

Release Date
  • Features as part of the Oxygen p2 repositories

  • Eclipse for Testers as an EPP download


  • The UI will be based on e4 RCP with compatibility layer.

  • The Remote Control components will support Swing, SWT, RCP 3.x and RCP 4.x (e4), and JavaFX

  • The xml import format is deprecated - export is only available via the new (since Neon) .jub format.



UI: Support for Eclipse standard I18N is included. The project provides an English language version.

Target Environments

Eclipse Kepler, Eclipse Juno, Eclipse Luna, Eclipse Mars, Eclipse Neon, Eclipse Oxygen

Miniumum JRE for test execution: 1.5. For JavaFX tests, 1.8 is required.

Microsoft Windows (tested on Windows 7, Windows 8.1)

Linux (tested on CentOS)


Name Date Description
M7 2017/05/19
RC1 2017/05/26
RC2 2017/06/02
RC3 2017/06/09
RC4 2017/06/16

Conditional Test Execution

It is now possible to use if-then-else constructs, as well as while-do, do-while and iterate loops in the ITE.

Component names refactoring

We have altered the internal calculation of component names to make the calculation more performant and error-safe.

Check actions with timeout parameter

Check actions now all have a timeout parameter to allow synchronisation within the check action.

Text reading actions for the API

Users working with the Client API can now access the text of various components using the API actions.
This release is part of Eclipse Oxygen