Election for Alexander Kurtakov as Committer on Eclipse LSP4E

Role Type

Alex has contributed numerous improvements to LSP4E, making sure it's using up-to-date versions of its dependencies, and is continuing to do so:

mistria@localhost:~/git/lsp4e$ git log --author=akurtako --pretty=oneline
a0ca1256304ddf89cb6b4b468aa40229faeb696e Don't use the deprecated JFace Util.equals method.
ed57dc6c0456c5f6d5ef8b1babe12966f0e3e00c No need to require the fragment host.
f2784648c4edfb593a6ef9b45af65442dc56ef6d Bump jdt and test bundles to Java 11.
75ffb4c7904bbe750a9a326f0ae7d1319a506ccc Update to 2020-09 target platform.
d4d2d9196af8c83568bbd7b5474377a77637b3eb Set build encoding to UTF-8
0ffdde7d8c716db3916112a36e5b895978c20525 Use download-maven-plugin 1.6.0
41db2336c39c119e7904c4b1227334f949f9a1e9 Use jacoco-maven-plugin 0.8.5
d42db5011aa598d12271e189fdc300e5c69d2249 Set proper Maven prereq to 3.6.3
dca182e34a51feb4b75d9ad279c514a559f07726 Switch tycho pomless to 2.0.0
369503f16a54e7b7fb39594705e98915973858ae Update target platform to build against 2020-06.
a6f335f4061c192123ff2498cc9fbc1279cc6e1a Move to jarsigner plugin 1.1.7.
3f6745d4242dcf87bcd98fce355a398768a65f34 Build with Tycho 1.6.0
6ebc0ada3032608b1698113c4ac657f54c8dfb34 Sanitize update site.
44d2bd33468d5f9042c36c8b7554f026e0b16eba Fix javadoc links.
98e59842197577be4bf273433472ad47f8badc35 Remove unused, private and deprecated method.
13bc5801e9aecd29aa913f32a614eac05c87eae6 Remove unused import.
b327ab5fde96380402acf26601e6b803802bcf63 Fix SymbolsLabelProviderTest and add it to AllTests.
6734901579c6735ad5ed0cd65061885b997fe02d Remove Require-Bundle on o.e.lsp4e in lsp4e.tests.
646252ae7b2a8dba1b7eb916009ad6f99b807c8f Make LSPImages.imageFromSymbolKind more tolerant.
341541b113db714f33d7ea16bb354f82977a46ac Update Maven deps.
98132b49e8a473739a22f08d4306dbad191edac4 Update Maven machinery
2f029f2a2ea3ec988c81a754ef9ed8c0cd10837e Sanitize hamcrest in target platform.
6ccd353ef488426b9aaf21b26bcfced23a224c26 Update Maven plugins.
4f7fcaed68f741f0a467a978ef9d4a1ce74a440c Build against platform I-builds.

Alex definitely deserves to be a committer. Having him able to merge patches would speed him up and also speed up LSP4E project.
So please welcome Alex as a committer ot LSP4E!

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Mickael Istria +1 +1 implied by nomination
Martin Lippert +1
Jonah Graham +1
Vlad Dumitrescu +1

PMC Approval

  • Wayne Beaton (+1) Welcome!