Eclipse Package Drone 0.12.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




This is first release as Eclipse Package Drone. It concludes the project transition to the Eclipse Foundation infrastructure. The source code is hosted in an Eclipse GitHub repository and built on an Eclipse HIPP instance.

Maven import with dependency resolution. It is now possible to let Package Drone resolve Maven dependencies during the import process. A summary is shown where optional and required dependencies are listed and already imported artifacts as well. The user can make a choice what to import.

Develop and run on Windows. Up until now Package Drone could only be developed, built, tested and run on a Linux like platform. For this version it is also possible to use the Windows platform. Although it might not be as well tested, all unit and integration tests run fine.

Minor enhancements. A few minor enhancements have been made. For example is not possible to assign multiple alias names to a channel.

Bug fixes. Of course there are bug fixes, improvements and cleanups in all components.

Also see 0.12.0/NewAndNoteworthy in the Eclipse Wiki.

Non-Code Aspects

At the moment most documentation is still at the old GitHub repository of Package Drone. This planned to be moved over to the Eclipse Wiki over time. Still most of the original documentation is valid.

End of Life

Before having a 1.0 release there will be no "End of Life" policy. The plan is to provide bug fix releases for the current release.


Package Drone supports the following repository systems:

  • OSGi
    • Eclipse P2
    • OBR
    • OSGi R5 XML Index
  • Maven 2
  • RPM / YUM
  • DEB / APT
  • NPM

Not all features of the different systems may be supported.


Package Drone was demoed at the Eclipse Demo Camp Spring 2015 in Munich and the EclipseCon Europe 2015. At EclipseCon Europe we also did have a BoF in order to gather more insight into different use cases.