Eclipse Package Drone 0.13.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




This is second release at Eclipse. It features the new trigger system and a few cleanups and bug fixes.

Trigger system. This is the most noteworthy new feature of this release. It is not possible to hook up actions at various trigger points and execute these exections when triggers are fired. It is also possible to create new instances of triggers. As an example you can have one or more "cleanup actions" configured which get executed on the internal "Post Add" channel event or create a new instance of the "HTTP Endpoint" event and get executed once the HTTP endpoint is accessed.

RPM write support. The internal RPM library got support for writing out RPM files. This is currently not hooked up to Package Drone itself but paves the way for platform independent signing of RPM files in the future.

Minor enhancements. A few minor enhancements have been made. The main channel list has been re-desgined a little bit, the P2 Unzipper can now extract the P2 meta data for re-using it.

POM less build. Thanks to a contributor we now have a nearly POM less build! Thanks to @kdoteu.

Bug fixes. Of course there are bug fixes, improvements and cleanups in all components.

Also see 0.13.0/NewAndNoteworthy in the Eclipse Wiki.


End of Life

Before having a 1.0 release there will be no "End of Life" policy. The plan is to provide bug fix releases for the current release.


Package Drone supports the following repository systems:

  • OSGi
    • Eclipse P2
    • OBR
    • OSGi R5 XML Index
  • Maven 2
  • RPM / YUM
  • DEB / APT
  • NPM

Since the last release we got two minor, but really helpful contributions and a hand ful of qualifies issue reports which could be fixed. Most of this interaction was on GitHub.

It is hard to count downloads since installing from YUM and APT repositories, or even from mirrors won't count against the Eclipse download statistics.

Package Drone proposed a few projects for GSoC 2016 and attracted a bunch of proposals. We do hope to get a slot for GSoC 2016.

We also plan to show version 0.13.0 at the EclipseDemo camp in Munich [1] on June 20th 2016.
