Eclipse Code Recommenders 2.0.0

Code Recommenders 2.0 major goal is to provide a headless API that allows extenders to build new tools on top of Recommenders. Second goal is the development of a new completion engine API on top of JDT that allows to integrate existing completion engines (call, override, chain, subwords, templates) into a single completion engine and over all improves the user  experience.

Additional features planned for 2.0 are a crowd-sourced code snippet store, an  integration of Code Recommenders into the Javadoc Generator, and a developer activity report module. These modules are in Recommenders incubator. They are not officially part of Recommenders 2.0.

Release Date
Name Date Description
M1 2013/08/20 Proposed headless and RCP models API
M2 2013/09/10 headless call recommender API, headless override recommender api
M3 2013/10/08 new completion API, snipmatch, developer activity reports
RC1, RC2, RC3 2013/10/16 Weekly until Eclipsecon
R 2013/10/28 Release