Election for Sebastian Thomschke as Project Lead on Eclipse TM4E - TextMate support in the Eclipse IDE

Role Type

Sebastian has been the main contributor to TM4E for many months already. He's continuously improving the quality of the code and providing bugfixes. He's also keeping TM4E in sync with main changes in vscode-textmate to ensure some feature parity.
So it's worth acknowledging that in the current state, Sebastian is the most active and most expert developer for the TM4E project, and thus, he deserves to become a project lead for TM4E.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Mickael Istria +1 +1 implied by nomination
Sebastian Thomschke +1 +1 implied by nomination
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Welcome!

PMC Approval

  • Gunnar Wagenknecht (+1) Welcome!