Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.
Eclipse TM4E did not run any review for some time.
It's a relatively low activity project, although it's widely use as a core technology for syntax highlighting in mulitple other Eclipse projects (Wild Web Developer, Corrosion, ShellWax).
It's been kind of feature complete for a long time and only maintenance is going on; but despite that, the activity log since last review shows an active and diverse community.
Some data since last review (2018-12-19)
* Commit count (`git log --pretty=oneline --since=2018-12-19 | wc -l`): 395
* Distinct contributors: (`git log --format="%an" --since=2018-12-19 | sort | uniq`):
Alexander Kozinko
Alexander Kurtakov
Brian de Alwis
Christophe Moine
Gautier de Saint Martin Lacaze
Jochen Ulrich
Jonas Hungershausen
Lakshminarayana Nekkanti
Markus Hettich
Mickael Istria
Phaser Editor
Pierre-Yves B
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