Java 11
- JDT was updated to 3.15.1 (we are now using ecj binaries from maven central as opposed to jdt.core and jdt.compiler.apt) ( bug 532302 )
Tycho 1.3.0 surefire plugin supports starting applications that use org.apache.felix.scr bundle in place of org.eclipse.equinox.ds (like Eclipse Platform 4.10 based target-platforms)
download.stats artifact metadata property
Support for <tt>download.stats</tt> property on artifacts metadata. In order to (partially) enable p2 download stats as documented in [[Equinox_p2_download_stats]], you can now configure you <tt>tycho-p2-plugin:p2-metadata</tt> [ generateDownloadStats parameter] to add the necessary property on the artifacts:
or alternatively, you can override the <tt>tycho.generateDownloadStatsProperty</tt> property either by CLI with <tt>mvn -Dtycho.generateDownloadStatsProperty=true ...</tt> or by adding <tt><tycho.generateDownloadStatsProperty>true</tycho.generateDownloadStatsProperty></tt> in the <tt><properties></tt> element of your pom.xml.
This results in this in artifacts.xml (and derived artifacts.jar and artifacts.xml.xz):
<artifacts size='4'>
<artifact classifier='osgi.bundle' id='bundle' version=''>
<properties size='9'>
<!-- ... -->
<property name='download.stats' value='bundle/'/>
<!-- ... -->
<artifact classifier='osgi.bundle' id='bundle' version=''>
<processing size='1'>
<step id='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.processing.Pack200Unpacker' required='true'/>
<properties size='12'>
<!-- ... -->
<property name='download.stats' value='bundle/'/>
<!-- ... -->
Extra artifact repository properties (like p2.statsURI or p2.mirrorsURL)
The <tt>tycho-p2-repository-plugin:assemble-repository</tt> plugin now accepts a [ extraArtifactRepositoryProperties] parameter to configure addition properties to add to the artifact repository. Typical examples of properties one would like to include that way are <tt>p2.mirrorsURL</tt> and <tt>p2.statsURI</tt>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- .... -->
adds the properties to the artifact repository, that would then contain
<repository name="Example Repository" type="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.simpleRepository" version="1">
<properties size="5">
<property name="publishPackFilesAsSiblings" value="true"/>
<property name="p2.mirrorsURL" value="http://some.where.else"/>
<property name="p2.statsURI" value="http://some.where"/>
<property name="p2.timestamp" value="1538498332220"/>
<property name="foo" value="bar"/>
<!-- .... -->