Eclipse PHP Development Tools 3.7



PHP Develpment Tools 3.7.0 will improve PHP7 support. It also continue improvements on performance, usability and consistency.

The PDT source code is contained in the org.eclipse.pdt.git repo and for this release is tagged R3_7_0.

The PDT provides it's own update site with all features included. For 3.7, this site is located at

Architectural Issues

There are no architectural issues.

Security Issues

There are no security issues.

Non-Code Aspects


Usability Details
  • Untitled PHP File "Save As" dialog was improved.
  • Added support for php quick fixes in problems view
End of Life

Nothing is end of lifed in this release.




Zend Technologies is actively involved in PDT development via it's committers and non-committers who contribute significant features.

There's stable group of passionate PDT contributors organized in PDT Extenders Group.

We have 6 active committers with vary amounts of activity as all of them are only part time working on PDT directly.