Eclipse Wild Web Developer 0.3.0

Release Date

Eclipse Wild Web Developer 0.3.0 ships

  • a p2 repository
  • a Eclipse Marketplace entry .
  • Wild Web Developer ships a git tag for 0.3.0:

Wild Web Developer 0.3.0 currently isn't providing anything as an API so its compatibility isn't an issue so far.

It's backward-compatible with 0.2.0 so upgrading for 0.2.0 to 0,3,0 should work and be profitable without specific effort.

It's tested with Eclipse Platfom 4.11 and LSP4E 0.9.0; but may work with older versions.


Wild Web Developer isn't internationalized, but it doesn't show many labels to end-users.

Target Environments

Wild Web Developer is tested against Eclipse Platform 4.11 and LSP4E 0.9.0. It may work with older versions, but this is not guaranteed.


Angular support in .ts files

Added support for Angular in TypeScript files, so user get some code assistance using the typical Angular constructs and APIs. This relies on the @angular/language-service extension for the typescript-language-server.

JSX/TSX files support with code assistance

Declared support for .jsx/.tsx files and associated them with the typescript-langauge-server. Updated TextMate grammars to support those formats. Added 2 extensions to the language server to get some edition assistance for CSS or HTML nodes inside such files. This improve support for many projects using React framework.
This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2019-06, Eclipse IDE 2019-09