Eclipse 4diac™ 2.0.0

Release Date
  • 4diac IDE
    • Validation of parameters
    • Add monitoring of subapplications (virtual monitoring pins)
    • Viewers for Subapp types that also allow monitoring inside Subapp types
    • Correctly handle untyped subapps within typed subapps
    • New Service Sequence editor
    • Interpreter for Basic FB Type models (ECCs) and new functionality for unit-testing Basic FB Type against its Service model

Projects generated with the previous version of this tool are fully compatible with the new release (backwards compatibility)


During development, the externalization of Strings is continuously improved. This will allow translation in the future. Currently, Eclipse 4diac is only available in English.

Target Environments

This release is compatible with JRE 11. This JRE is provided as part of the release.

The runtime 4diac FORTE and the tool 4diac IDE are provided for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. The example projects 4diac EXAMPLES and the library blocks from 4diac LIB are targeted for use in 4diac IDE and are therefore independent of a specific operating system.


Fix Bugs

Main target in this release are - bugs that result in broken connections (error markers) - graphical/visualization bugs: wrong calculation of background pane, e.g., connections are not considered - bugs that result in invalid projects

Full support for graphical errors

After modifying control software in 4diac IDE, connections are often displayed incorrectly or can result in unexpected behavior of the IDE when performing further modifications. To support developers in fixing invalid connections, a concept needs to be developed and implemented to display also incorrect connections and to provide means for their fix.

Improve testing and validation support

Developers can only simulate the behavior of their application and subsequently identify errors by themselves. Better support in validating inputs, recommendations on improving the applications, and for automated testing of Function Blocks can help avoiding errors altogether.