- Various fixes for `allow_zero_length_clientid` config, where this option was not being set correctly. Closes #1429.
- Fix incorrect memory tracking causing problems with memory_limit option. Closes #1437.
- Fix subscription topics being limited to 200 characters instead of 200 hierarchy levels. Closes #1441.
- Only a single CRL could be loaded at once. This has been fixed. Closes #1442.
- Fix problems with reloading config when `per_listener_settings` was true. Closes #1459.
- Fix retained messages with an expiry interval not being expired after being restored from persistence. Closes #1464.
- Fix messages with an expiry interval being sent without an expiry interval property just before they were expired. Closes #1464.
- Fix TLS Websockets clients not receiving messages after taking over a previous connection. Closes #1489.
- Fix MQTT 3.1.1 clients using clean session false, or MQTT 5.0 clients using session-expiry-interval set to infinity never expiring, even when the global `persistent_client_expiration` option was set. Closes #1494.
Client library
- Fix publish properties not being passed to on_message_v5 callback for QoS 2 messages. Closes #1432.
- Fix documentation issues in mosquitto.h. Closes #1478.
- Document `mosquitto_connect_srv()`. Closes #1499.
- Fix duplicate cfg definition in rr_client. Closes #1453.
- Fix `mosquitto_pub -l` hang when stdin stream ends. Closes #1448.
- Fix `mosquitto_pub -l` not sending the final line of stdin if it does not end with a new line. Closes #1473.
- Make documentation for `mosquitto_pub -l` match reality - blank lines are sent as empty messages. Closes #1474.
- Free memory in `mosquitto_sub` when quiting without having made a successful connection. Closes #1513.
- Added `CLIENT_STATIC_LDADD` to makefile builds to allow more libraries to be linked when compiling the clients with a static libmosquitto, as required for e.g. openssl on some systems.
- Fix mosquitto_rr.exe not being included in Windows installers. Closes #1463.
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