Eclipse Streamsheets™

With Eclipse Streamsheets™ the everyday technical or business end user can create stream processing applications just by using their existing spreadsheet knowledge (e.g. from Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets). Eclipse Streamsheets give non-programmers the opportunity to work with event streams with a power and flexibility that would otherwise only be available to an experienced software programmer.

Applications for stream processing are widespread and as generic as spreadsheets can be. Areas Streamsheets can be used in include the following:

  • IoT: Control, analysis, monitoring, visualization and simulation of industrial and other IoT processes (Smart Factory, Smart Building, Smart City, Smart Energy, Smart Farming, Edge Intelligence, Edge stream processing …) using MQTT or other messaging protocols.
  • Stream Processing: Any kind of business or technical processes that publish and subscribe to a streaming platform (e.g. Kafka) and does analysis, transactions, monitoring, statistics, automated alerts, conversions, semantic mappings, enriching of data sets, etc.
  • Protocol conversion or gateways: Edge to Cloud, IT to OT, Protocol to Protocol, Request/Response to Publish/Subscribe, Logfile to Stream, etc. using MQTT, UDP, REST, POP, SMTP protocols or simple input from text files.

Streamsheets development is sponsored by Cedalo GmbH.

Industry Collaborations
Latest Releases

From 2021-12-08 to 2021-12-08

Name Date Review
2.3 2021-12-08
Eclipse Public License 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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