Eclipse Zenoh 0.5.0 (Aithusa)

Release Date
  • Executables:
    • zenoh router (a.k.a. zenohd )
    • zenoh bridge for DDS
  • User APIs:
    • Rust API
    • Python API
    • C API
    • Pico C API
  • Plugins:
    • REST API plugin
    • Storages plugin
    • DDS plugin
    • Web server plugin
  • Backends:
    • File system backend
    • RocksDB backend
    • InfluxDB backend

Not compatible with any previous version of zenoh.

Target Environments

Pre-built binaries for:

  • Linux x86 64-bit
  • MacOS X Intel 64-bit
  • Windows x86 64-bit

More generally, any other platform supporting a Rust toolchain can build Eclipse zenoh from sources.