Eclipse Cyclone DDS™

Eclipse Cyclone DDS™ is an implementation of the OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) specification (see ) and the related specifications for interoperability (see )

With 'DATA' being 'the currency of the IOT', having a proper data-sharing technology will be a key-asset in any IOT-platform. The OMG DDS standard is recognized as a highly applicable standard for reliable and robust data-sharing in business- and mission-critical environments (see and ) and with that a great fit with the Eclipse-IOT ecosystem.

Eclipse Cyclone DDS offers unique data-sharing capabilities compared to the already existing Eclipse solutions (i.e. for messaging).

Its data-centric architecture (where data has RDBMS-like structure and relations rather than 'blobs' as typically used in lower level messaging products) combined with the capability to 'annotate' the data(-models) with fine-grained QoS properties (for reliability, urgency, persistency etc.) provide unrivalled functional and non-functional properties for time- and mission/business-critical IOT-systems.

With a history of proven applicability in the military C4I domain (that are not so much unlike upcoming large-scale IOT-systems where you can also distinguish between planning-, awareness- and execution-grids that all impose specific requirements w.r.t. interoperabillity, high-volume data-sharing and deterministic/real-time data-access) we are confident that  starting from day-1 this offering can significantly reduce the complexity of many IOT-systems and with that reduce their integration efforts and risks. 

Furthermore we are confident that the Eclipse-IOT ecosystem will benefit even more by active participation in the evolution of this technology and the (OMG-)standard its based upon.

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Latest Releases

From 2022-03-28 to 2019-03-01

Name Date Review
0.9.0 (Papillons) 2022-03-28
0.8.0 (Réplique) 2021-09-30
0.7.0 (Coquette) 2020-08-06
0.6.0 (Florestan) 2020-05-21
0.5.0 (Eusebius) 2019-12-09
0.1.0 (Preambule) 2019-03-01
Eclipse Public License 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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