Eclipse Gendoc 0.7.0

Release Date
  • Workbench and project Preferences.
  • Recursive fragments and queries.
  • XLSX generation.
  • PPTX generation.
  • Table diagrams.
  • Gendoc Help catalog.
  • Bug fixes.

Gendoc 0.7.0 is fully backwards compatible.

Target Environments

Gendoc 0.7.0 should work with any release of EMF, GMF, Papyrus and Sirius for Eclipse 4.5+ (Mars, Neon, Oxygen and Photon)

Name Date Description
M1 2017/12/15 First Gendoc 0.7.0 milestone, with Workbench and project Preferences, recursive fragments and queries, xlsx output format, gendoc help catalog.
M2 2018/01/30 Second and Gendoc 0.7.0 milestone, with PPTX support and Table diagrams and bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

Bug fixes in Gendoc 0.7.0
  • Cell containing multiple values are not displayed correctly in generated document [535656] (target milestone: 0.7.1)
  • Table cell containing special characters (<,>...) corrupts the generated document [535660] (target milestone: 0.7.1)
  • NullPointerException in Gendoc template wizard use [538755] (target milestone: 1.0)
  • AdditionalResourceService does not handle HTML Runnable resource correctly (limitation to image resources) [560985] (target milestone: 0.8.0)
  • Empty fragments generate extra paragraph marks [457260] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Use of on non-rich-text field produces unreadable output [472253] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • instead of produces unexpected behavior [472254] (target milestone: 1.0)
  • cleanAndFormat produces xml-encoded characters [477381] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • gendrop drop in table is causing generated file to be in error [478883] (target milestone: 0.5.1)
  • Gendoc generation leaves tag pieces in the generated document [484126] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Insertion of the '<' character inside a gendoc template breaks the doc generation [484127] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • The commons.mtl files of the Acceleo bundles should use UTF-8 encoding [500114] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Avoid conflicts in the IRegistryService [500125] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • The getPapyrusDiagrams(EObject object) doesn't retrieve the diagrams when using a model with spaces in the name or in the path. [500510] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • DOCXHtmlService setInTable(), setIncludePic(), setVersion() can not be unset. [507555] (target milestone: 0.6.0)
  • Documentation plugin for Gendoc [509756] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • There is no IDocumentService implementation for XLSX, ODS and CSV documents. [510173] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Gendoc preferences plugin throw exception when there is projects closed in the workspace. [510174] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Diagrams doesn't show in the generate document if the papyrus model file with blanks in the URI. [526483] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Not all proxies are resolved when loading resources for papyrus models for complex model dependencies. [526488] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • A HTML gendoc bundle to convert HTML fragment to plain text and plain text to HTML. [526895] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Model URIs are not normalized properly before attempt to load the models [530839] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • When generating a document inside the workbench, the output folder should be refreshed if it is in the workspace. [530842] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Provide a query to retrieve the papyrus diagrams own by an element. [531275] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Papyrus Models with no diagrams (Empty notation models) are reported as an error in the log. [531347] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Open context menu for a UI element that adapts to an EObject which is a proxy throws an exception and the context menu is not shown. [531348] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Error: The invocation isn't terminated [464266] (target milestone: 0.5)
  • Error generation using GenDoc with Capella [465692] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Incorrect behavior of drop.dropEmpty with Fragments [474051] (target milestone: 1.0)
  • Inconvenient whitespace behavior of , etc [474053] (target milestone: 1.0)
  • Gendoc - Out of Memory [481892] (target milestone: 0.5.1)
  • GenDoc Errors and warnings report enhancement [500399] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Enhance some of the "exception" messages [501156] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • GenDoc project properties and preferences. [501723] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Parameter replacement in the document metadata attributes. [501827] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Loading imported models fail if platform uris are not used as model URI. [515370] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Tag parser cannot handle unicode space chars [517790] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Recursive Fragments are not supported. [521507] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Queries that contain the characters '<' or '>' cause an error. [521509] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • XMLDocumentService.cleanTags() duplicate text fragments [526979] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • PAPYRUS_DOCUMENTATION_STEREOTYPE_QUALIFIED_NAME out of date for Papyrus [529715] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Conflict in handler org.eclipse.gendoc.ui.actions.GenerateDocumentation [535482] (target milestone:  ---)
  • Sirius 6.0.0 throws a clast cast exception to [540469] (target milestone: 0.7.2)
  • Menu to launch the Gendoc wizard in Papyrus is not available in context menu. [552031] (target milestone: 0.8.0)
  • Models with blanks in the name are not open properly [552039] (target milestone: 0.8.0)
  • improve xlsx performance [577489] (target milestone: 0.8.0)
  • Fragment parsing exception [464976] (target milestone: 1.0)
  • Provide a getAppliedComment function in the papyrus module [506575] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Provide a way to get tables from Papyrus or Sirius [515404] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Add build associated to Gerrit changes [510165] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Support for new document types - reuse of the UI action [501157] (target milestone: 0.7.2)
  • Remove the use of Documentation profile [463647] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • Using query with -> results in: "&" unexpected character [463902] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • DOCXDocumentService cleanTags() method does not work properly with '<' and '>' in text nodes. [486793] (target milestone: 0.5.1)
  • Diagram content not shown for generation from Papyrus [506210] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • substitute(String r, String t):String only substitutes first occurance [534581] (target milestone: 0.7.0)
  • NumberFormatException in ....gendoc.updates.nightly.latest.mars.compositeContent.xml [538295] (target milestone: 1.0)
  • Generate documentation menu is not visible in Sirius Model Explorer [540401] (target milestone: 0.7.2)