Eclipse eTrice 0.5.0

The themes of the next eTrice release are:

  • eTrice.fsm will allow clients to re-use eTrice state machine models and editors inside their own DSL
  • an improved action code editor with syntax highlighting and content assist
  • consolidation of the existing code base
  • improved documentation and tutorials
  • improved usability
  • minor new features

The first item is a major re-factoring which allow clients to build on the feature rich language and tools of eTrice independently of the ROOM language.

Interested parties are invited to join the developer mailings list.

Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
Name Date Description
M1 2015/06/05 This milestone integrates the major new features. Until the release there will be only bug fixes and documentation improvements.
M2 2015/06/29 Bug fixes and documentation.
M3 2015/08/28 Bug fixes and documentation, improved tutorials and examples