Eclipse Packaging Project 1.1.0

The Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) is responsible for creating technology that makes it easier for new users to consume the output of other Eclipse projects and for coordinating the package releases together with the yearly release train. In order to achieve this goal, EPP is active on different levels since the Europa Release 2007:

  • Create entry level downloads based on defined user profiles. The project defined and created the EPP downloads of Java Developer, Java EE Developer, C/C++ Developer and RCP Developer. These downloads are available from the main Eclipse download page. In addition to that, EPP coordinates with other package maintainers the creation of new package definitions and ensures that the packages are tested.
  • Provide and integrate the EPP Usage Data Collector (UDC). The Usage Data Collector collects information about how individuals are using the Eclipse platform. The intent is to use this data to help committers and organizations better understand how developers are using Eclipse.
  • Provide and integrate the Eclipse Marketplace Client (MPC). The MPC provides tight install integration between the Eclipse workspace and Eclipse Marketplace, plus other third party solution listings.
  • Provide a platform that allows the creation of packages (zip/tar downloads) from an update site. The core technology of the project will enable the creation of download packages that are created by bundling Eclipse features from one or multiple Eclipse update sites.
  • Create and manage a new dynamic installer. EPP creates a new RAP-based wizard that enables a user to choose and pick software components from other Eclipse projects. The output is a customized p2-installer that guides the user through the initial install process and downloads the necessary software components.
Release Date