Eclipse Packaging Project 1.1.0

Release Date

All frameworks and APIs produced with this release are compatible with previous releases


All outputs produced are prepared for internationalization via Babel.

Target Environments

EPP creates its packages for Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, Linux 32-bit, Linux 64-bit and Mac OSX. All of the packages require at least a JVM 1.5 because of the software components that are included in the packages.

Source code used and developed within the project needs a JVM 1.5 or higher.


Helios Packages

EPP will create and deliver the packages for the next release train. The exact content and the number of packages are subject to change and depend on the community feedback and help.

Dynamic Package Delivery Component

The dynamic package delivery component provides an extensible framework for, and an exemplary implementation of, a service for dynamically selecting and downloading/installing installable units.

Usage Data Collector (UDC)

Bug fixes only are planned for this release.

Marketplace Client (MPC)

The Marketplace Client will be introduced with this release.