This first Eclipse ESCET release is based on the initial contribution by the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). No new features.
The Eclipse Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit (Eclipse ESCET) project provides a toolkit for the development of supervisory controllers in the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) paradigm.
The entire code base was cleaned up, upgraded to Eclipse 2020-06, and now uses Maven/Tycho as build system. It is still based on Java 8. We expect to update to a more recent Java version for the next release.
We have extensive documentation, examples, tutorials, etc, although it could be further extended.
The focus for our first release was on having a working build, a documented development process, approvals for initial contribution and third party content, a first downloadable release, etc. This gets us up and running as an Eclipse Foundation open source project, and provides a solid foundation for the community to contribute.