Eclipse OMR 0.3.0

Release Date
  • Declare functional stability across all components
  • Declare API stability on port, thread, and util components

This will be a source only release that can be downloaded from the Eclipse OMR Releases page from the project GitHub repo.


The 0.3.0 release is API compatible with release 0.2.0.

Target Environments

Eclipse OMR is regularly tested with each pull request across the following operating system and processor architecture combinations:

  • Linux amd64
  • Windows amd64
  • Linux IA32
  • Linux on Power LE
  • AIX on Power
  • Linux on Z
  • z/OS (Z)
  • Linux on AArch64 (ARMv8)
  • Linux on AArch32 (ARMv7)
  • macOS on Apple M-series
  • Linux on RISC-V (QEMU)