Eclipse Packaging Project 4.8.0



Eclipse EPP 4.8 is providing the download packages for the Photon Simultaneous Release and the p2 metadata that is used by the Oomph-based Eclipse installer. It is based on Eclipse Platform 4.8.0.

In addition to that, EPP provides the Automated Error Reporting Logging component that helps Eclipse development teams to get notified about errors that occur at runtime in any Eclipse IDE. The EPP Logging component is included in all download packages.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

No known issues in the release.

No incompatible changes in comparison with the last EPP 4.7 (Oxygen) release.

Security Issues

No known issues in the release.

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
  • Increasing number of contributions via Gerrit
  • Over 20 active committers and contributors from many different companies and partners. All package maintainers have full committer status on the project in a lightweight way similar to the Orbit project (see Committer and Maintainer Policy)
  • Developer mailing list with more than 6.100 e-mails (over 500 since the Photon release)