Eclipse TM4E - TextMate support in the Eclipse IDE 0.3.0

Release Date

TM4E 0.3.0 ships source code as a Git tag and p2 repository for usage in the Eclipse IDE or in dependency management (target platforms)


No API was modified.

TM4E removed the "TextMate editor" that was present in 0.2.0. While some users may have been using it, it's know to be very low popularity and using the Generic Editor is a more recommended approach.


TM4E is internationalized using Eclipse NLS mechanism.

Target Environments

TM4E 0.3.0 is tested against Eclipse Platform 4.10. It probably works with older versions of the Eclipse Platform, but that was not tested.



Remove useless "TextMate Editor"

This Editor in the Eclipse IDE is not useful. It was removed in favor of Platform's Generic Editor.

Better support for user-defined preferences

Eclipse Platform allows to specify some colors for the Text Editors. TM4E used to aggressively ignore or overrides them. Those preferences are now better taken into account in how the colors and fonts are used by TM4E.

A traditional Eclipse TextMate theme

TM4E include a TextMate theme that mimic the traditional theme defined by JDT. This allows user who wants it to make Textmate-based editors look more like legacy ones.
This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2018-12