Eclipse Tycho 1.0.0

Release Date

The Tycho project considers API anything that can be configured by the user in pom.xml or other build-related files such as or MANIFEST.MF

This release is API compatible with the last milestone 0.26.0 except:

  • tycho-compiler-plugin's useProjectSettings default value is changed  to  true 
Target Environments

This release supports the following target environments:

  • Java 8 or later
  • Apache Maven 3.0 or later
  • Operating systems supported by Maven (Linux, MacOS, Windows, Solaris)

Keep Tycho's eclipse dependencies up to date

No items.

Improve resilience in flaky network environments

If downloads from remote p2 repositories fail during build, this should be detected as early as possible and either retried or fail with a clear and specific error message.
No items.

Fix bugs

No items.