Eclipse IDE

A new community-driven initiative to advance and sustain the Eclipse IDE suite of products and ecosystem

Eclipse Equinox

Eclipse Equinox™ is an implementation of the OSGi core framework specification, a set of bundles that implement various optional OSGi services and other infrastructure for running OSGi-based systems.

Eclipse EclEmma

Eclipse EclEmma is a Java code coverage tool for the Eclipse IDE. It brings code coverage analysis directly into the Eclipse IDE workbench: Fast develop/test cycle: Launches from within the workbench

Eclipse CDO Model Repository

The Eclipse CDO™ (Connected Data Objects) Model Repository is a distributed shared model framework for EMF models and meta models. CDO is also a model runtime environment with a focus on orthogonal

Eclipse PDE

The Eclipse PDE™ (Plug-in Development Environment) provides tools to create, develop, test, debug, build and deploy Eclipse plug-ins, fragments, features, update sites and RCP products.

Eclipse Oomph

The Eclipse Oomph™ project provides tools based on extensible frameworks, packaged as fine-grained features that allow consumers to pick and choose. The basic building blocks include the following: An

Eclipse EMF

Eclipse EMF™ is a modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model. From a model specification described in XMI, EMF provides

Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse

Eclipse EGit™ is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed SCM, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making queries against the history

Eclipse Communications Framework

Eclipse ECF provides frameworks for messaging and communications. We fully implement the OSGi Remote Services (RS) and Remote Service Admin (RSA) specifications.

Eclipse EMF Compare

Eclipse EMF Compare brings model comparison to the EMF framework, this tool provides generic support for any kind of metamodel in order to compare and merge models. The objectives of this component

Eclipse MDT UML2

Eclipse UML2 is an EMF-based implementation of the UMLTM 2.x metamodel for the Eclipse platform.

Eclipse Accessibility Tools Framework

The Eclipse Accessibility Tools Framework (ACTF) is a subproject of the Eclipse Technology Project. The ACTF is a software framework which serves as an extensible infrastructure upon which developers

Eclipse Ecore Tools

The Eclipse Ecore Tools component provides a complete environment to create, edit and maintain Ecore models. This component eases handling of Ecore models with a Graphical Ecore Editor and bridges to other existing Ecore tools ( Validation, Search, Compare, Emfatic, generators...). The Graphical Ecore Editor implements multi-diagram support, a custom tabbed properties view, validation feedbacks, refactoring capabilities...

Eclipse Embedded CDT (C/C++ Development Tools)

The Eclipse Embedded CDT (C/C++ Development Tools, formerly GNU MCU/ARM Eclipse) plug-ins allow to create, build, debug and in general to manage Arm & RISC-V projects (executables and static/shared

Eclipse Platform

Eclipse Platform™ defines the set of frameworks and common services that collectively make up infrastructure required to support the use of Eclipse as a component model, as a Rich Client Platform (RCP

Eclipse Project

The Eclipse Top-Level Project - an open source, robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, industry platform for the development of highly integrated tools and rich client applications.

Eclipse JDT (Java development tools)

The Eclipse JDT™ project provides the tool plug-ins that implement a Java IDE supporting the development of any Java application, including Eclipse plug-ins. It adds a Java project nature and Java perspective to the Eclipse Workbench as well as a number of views, editors, wizards, builders, and code merging and refactoring tools. The JDT project allows Eclipse to be a development environment for itself.

Eclipse Babel

Eclipse Babel is a set of tools to make the job of globalizing Eclipse projects easier. We also want to provide ways for people world wide, who are interested, to contribute translations in their

Eclipse PHP Development Tools

The Eclipse PHP IDE project delivers a PHP Integrated Development Environment framework for the Eclipse platform. This project encompasses the development components necessary to develop PHP-based Web

Eclipse LSP4E

The project includes the necessary code to integrate any language server (conforming to the Language Server Protocol specification) or Debug Adapter (conforming to the Debug Adapter Protocol) in the

Eclipse RedDeer

The Eclipse RedDeer™ project is an extensible framework used for development of automated SWT/Eclipse tests which interacts with application’s user interface. RedDeer provides the PageObjects API for