- Implement the SmartM2M standard. For more information see SmartM2M standard
- Provide a modular architecture running on top of an OSGi layer based on Eclipse Equinox.
- Integrate Maven and Tycho to automate build process and RCP development.
- Provide a protocol-independent CORE plugin to handle generic REST request.
- Enable machine registration, application deployment, container management, resource discovery, access right authorization, subscription / notification, group management, and resource announcement.
- Provide a HTTP communication binding plugin based on Jetty and Apache HTTP client libraries.
- Provide a CoAP communication binding plugin based on the Californium library.
- Provide a simple retargeting mechanism to connect HTTP and CoAP enabled devices.
- Provide an interworking sample plugin with simulated devices to show how to connect legacy devices.
- Provide a web interface plugin for browsing and debugging each machine resource structure.
- Provide a DAO persistence layer based on EclipseLink JPA library to support different SQL and NOSQL database solutions.
- Replace the DB4O database with the H2 database which provide better performance.
- Introduce required persistence parameters to the "config.ini" file to simplify the JPA configuration.
- Replace the XSD resource validation with a native validation mechanism that offers more flexibility.
- Replace the OASIS OBIX library with a native encoder/decoder based on the JAXB library.
- Improve the OM2M performance by optimizing the resource structure and database access.
Java 1.7 or later.