This new major release Papyrus 3.0 provides some APIs modification regarding the Papyrus 2.X (Neon) versions.
This page describes all the modifications to the APIs between Neon and Oxygen, and shows how the APIs have to be migrated.
One of the important new feature in Papyrus 3.0 is a mechanism that lets you capture internationalization information for any model element in Papyrus and therefore capture your model in any language and facilitate translation.
Papyrus 3.0 runs on any OS supported by Eclipse platform. A majority of our developers work on Windows and Linux, and the tests are done on the Eclipse Papyrus Hudson instance on a Linux setup.
It requires a JRE 8+.
Name | Date | Description |
M2 | 2016/09/23 | |
M3 | 2016/11/04 | |
M4 | 2016/12/16 | |
M5 | 2017/02/03 | |
M6 | 2017/03/17 | API Freeze |
M7 | 2017/05/20 | Feature & UI Freeze |
RC1 | 2017/05/26 | |
RC2 | 2017/06/02 | |
RC3 | 2017/06/09 | |
RC4 | 2017/06/16 | Final build |
This theme addresses issues related the diagram editors of Papyrus. It concerns more precisely all generic features related any kind of Papyrus graphical editor.
For the UML2, Papyrus 3.0 changes concerns the following diagram editors: [Class diagram], [Package diagram], [Composite structure diagram], [Component diagram], [Profile diagram], [Use case diagram], [State machine diagram], [Protocol state machine diagram], [Activity diagram], [Sequence diagram], [Communications diagram], [Interactions overview Diagram], [Timing diagram].
In Papyrus 3.0 the SysML 1.1 has been deprecated and SysML 1.4 now replaces it. SysML 1.4 editors concerns the following specific diagram editors: [Activity diagram], [Block definition diagram], [Internal block diagram], [Package diagram], [Parametric diagram], [Requirements diagram], [Sequence diagram], and [State machine diagram]. Note that Papyrus 3.0 provides a model tool to migrate your SysML 1.1 models to SysmL 1.4 models.
The Table editors (both generic tables and UML2 or SysML 1.4 specific ones) have been also improved in Papyrus 3.0.
- Profile are corrupt at the reopen [498414]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - UML Links LF bundle exports none of its API [512380]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - bug due to multiple commands per strategy [473608]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - : double popumenu on linux for SysML 1.
4 [500730] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Image should be completely displayed in the compartment [500999]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Port position is imprecise, of moved at zoom != 100% [505789]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Deletion of an extension relationship in the diagram removes all meta-model elements from the diagram [505857]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - index out of bounds exception for filenames without an extension (i.
e. no ". " in name) [511774] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - DnD strategy mechanism should be used to create PropertyPart [475569]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Papyrus diagrams won't print [424803]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Moving a generalization shall update the corresponding figure(s) [476873]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - qualifiedNameDepth property not taken into account [479314]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Grid preferences should be embedded in the notation file for each diagram to avoid a real bad display sharing Papyrus model [491816]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - StereotypeEAnnotationMigrationEditPolicy should be replaced.
subsumed by a proper DiagramReconcilier [493420] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Association labels are misplaced at creation [507488]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Grid must be displayed by default on diagrams [511473]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - painful to create pins on action nodes [483718]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Difficult to position ActivityParameterNode [489998]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Undo creation of capsule with structure diagram open causes exception to be thrown [501946]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Export All Diagrams fails unless the model is in the project root directory [502705]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - ServiceRegistryExceptions logged when undoing creation of a diagram [515459]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - UML Deployment Diagram ignores the "displayTags:" command when elements are inside a package [497320]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - To create a message in horizontal straight line by keeping the shift key.
It includes the resize of lifeline if the height is too short [402972] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Error when trying to Undo deletion of a message [441783]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Changing the order of Messages changes coverage attribute [446407]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The bottom and right margins of Activities are too big [459888]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The new Model.
Project wizard should remember the previous category selection [467227] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - - An internal transition makes the diagram to become invalid [477573]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - CSS customization support [481239]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - In Property View, Tables are not resized based on the view size and layout option [489720]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Unable to align pins between different shapes [490000]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Label of port is above the port at creation [493215]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - normalize src-gen.
code files [496856] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Paste in not possible when no cells, rows or columns are selected [497327]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Spurious NPEs when dropping an illegal reference [497452]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Possible NPE in NattableModelManager when disposing [497467]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Missing listener unregistrations + call to dispose [497470]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Check the AcceptEventAction before updating it.
[497644] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Avoid various NPEs in TableHelper class [497654]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Improvement proposal for dispose() of NattableModelManager and CompositeAxisManagerForEventList [497738]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NullPointerException in AbstractNattableWidgetManager.
getSelectionInTable [504038] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - duplicate style can be added to table style [504745]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Table popup menu are not yet available for empty area [507293]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Table used in Property View are not saved using the EClass of the edited object as URI [508452]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Extra empty spaces added below the table inside the table group [509243]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - modify access level of selectedType in CreateInvocationActionDialog [513480]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Paste ouside of a table when a table is opened display pop-up [514720]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Minimal space between elements during move [517399]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - update reconcilier for oxygen [518071]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - radio button "display icon" in column header did not work [527734]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Papyrus should support graphical resizable ports [473722]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Anchor doen't work for Oval [482586]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - New Palette configuration models shall be editable with an advance UI [482669]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Possibility to drag and drop an object from table to a diagram [502560]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Copy.
paste from Excel in "attached mode" can fail for cells corresponding to stereotype property typed by an Enum [456841] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Sorting a column while editing a cell does not close edition, causing confusion [486535]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - SysML 1.
1 Junit tests must be moved to UML NatTable plugins [487932] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Exception when deleting an element while a Table is displayed in the properties view [490067]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Destroy column after undo does nothing [492086]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Impossible to create a table from the catalog [492246]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Link with editor: different behavior of diagrams and tables [492891]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Inconsistent cell editor behavior for higher multiplicity properties [492989]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Reordering model-elements duplicates them in hierarchical synced table [495312]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Create a file export to manage the paste without using clipboard [495787]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Table Style error is caught during common table tests [496167]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Paste with stereotype property of profile into package does not work [497301]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Popup menu have some disabled items when first click outside of the table [497328]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Move column using boolean filter breaks the table [497571]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NattablePropertyEditor and TreeTablePropertyEditor have dependency on Notation#View -> it must be removed [498754]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NPE when deleting an element displayed in a table with AbstractStereotypedElementUMLSynchronizedOnFeatureAxisManager [499007]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Table Fill action ignore number prefixed by 000.
[499466] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Sorting mixed-category tree table lead to Eclipse crash [501332]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Improve performances of nested filtering [502559]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Papyrus table to support percentage sizing offered by NatTable [504077]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NullPointerException in AbstractPostActionIdsProvider.
getElements [506067] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Label used even when empty after clicking into Label in Properties [508826]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Random failure in JUnit tests [509085]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The modification of table in properties view can throw an exception [516159]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Format the code with papyrus formatter [497366]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - refactor Sequence diagram by taking account elementype and papyrus framework [513450]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Refactor Gates in order to integrated in the GMFGen [515375]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Better icon for actors [496837]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Use case must hide the extension point compartment by default [496838]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NullPointerException below CreateNatTableFromCatalogHandler$1.
dispose (thrown in HashMap. putMapEntries) [504039] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - User should be able to change the representation of an Actor with the TypeSymbolDefinition stereotype [492697]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NPE in BehaviorPortEditPolicy when port is not available vie getUMLElement() [496252]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NPE in org.
eclipse. papyrus. uml. diagram. common. editpolicies. OrphanViewPolicy. notifyChanged() [498887] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - CreateRelationshipCommand should allow modifications of source and target on ConfigureRequest from CreateRequest [511616]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Transition container is set by default to source state container rather than than request container [512133]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - CCE when deleting a state in Papyrus-RT [516806]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - CreateRelationshipRequest of type "connection start" should provide source view [476628]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - It should be possible to use propertyTester for menus contributions in NatTablePropertyEditor [499541]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Adding a redefinable template signature via an assistant corrupts diagram [494112]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - bad serialization for id of Axis Manager [502824]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Layout bug on small screen for the field file name [505827]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Title of the third page "Define the Column Manager" must be changed [505914]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NullPointerException in NattableModelManager.
updateCellMap [506068] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Update NatTable dependency and build to use NatTable 1.
5 [513963] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Bad display in row header in some case [515735]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Papyrus versions 1.
1. 0, 1. 1. 1, 1. 1. 2, 1. 1. 3 and 2. 0. 0 fail to export diagrams as images (Eclipse Neon and Mars) [473803] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - The new table must manage the datatype edition [405442]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Show.
hide content bug w. r. t. properties and attribute compartment. [424855] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - The table must include the Papyrus richtext editor [458020]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - changing categories when categories are hidden empty the table [467723]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Papyrus must refactore the popup menu of the table [481727]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - AppliedStereotypeCommentEditPolicy does not create the stereotype compartments in some cases [491258]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Delete from model on comment links does not work (does a delete from diagram) [492522]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Roles inverted when creating a reflexive association [493430]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Some links are not aligned anymore after migration from Luna to Mars [493876]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - JUnit tests of class org.
eclipse. papyrus. uml. nattable. generic. tests. bugs. StereotypeInheritDisplayTest. testStereotypePropeties doesn't work [494740] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Activate LinkLF for Parametric diagrams [497818]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Extensions points defined in the plugin org.
eclipse. papyrus. infra. nattable are declared on fantom interface. class [505825] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Improve the method AbstractStereotypedElementUMLSynchronizedOnFeatureAxisManager.
initializeManagedObjectList() [505947] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Menus All.
No. Manage connector labels available if port is selected in diagram [506074] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Papyrus must provide a dedicated Property View for Matrix [516579]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Structure diagram has wrong size [461980]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Visualization of port conjugation does not work on imported structure diagrams [498282]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Label margins applied to labels of nested elements [517404]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - update Canonical tests of the Sequence diagram [513699]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Can no longer define signal in UML property view [439211]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - State Invariant unselectable if size is too small [498468]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - PortLocator may return a lot lot of warning [508732]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Messages do not show up when sequence diagram is synchronized with model [499695]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Reorienting a connector throws exception [517462]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Ports have no symbol compartment [511776]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - State in State creation should use rely on elementype for creation [511895]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Copy paste not working on stereotyped element [448387]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Port position preference should be removed [482504]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Impossible to drop an attribute with an Association [494024]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Cast exception when an AssociationBranch is created [497110]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Show.
Hide related link not working [498975] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Showing nested port on Full Port fails [501701]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Wrong hyperlink contribution [501962]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Remove reference to deprecated classes [502152]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Exception when opening Sequence Diagram (CCE) [502155]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Remove reference to deprecated classes [502231]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Remove unused icon [502242]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Allow sub representation of AssotiationClass [506314]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Allow the drop of attributes from AssociationClass [507037]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - It should be possible to hide InformationFlow name [507220]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - ComponentDiagramGmfGen model is invalide [507975]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Allow drop from inherited port to type port [508374]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Add reference to OMG specification for Input Icon [510171]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - CCE when drawing a link between link and node [512754]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Applying a stereotype to ActivityEdge causes NPE [515287]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - ClassCastException when opening a diagram [516045]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Dialog to Create or Display exiting links doesn't work for reflexive Association [494758]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Property views shall be updated after a semantic move [500642]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Direct edition should rely on service edit to manipulate values [464625]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Unable to edit CallBehaviorAction's name through diagram [489991]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Wrong pin label positioning on zoomed diagram [490003]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NPE in AbstractPapyrusGmfCreateDiagramCommandHandler.
[513481] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Cell axis configuration ordering is exclusive [516309]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NPE in NattablePropertyEditor on UMLModelElement selection [516310]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - activity partition "represents" property is not displayed on diagram [368888]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - References are no longer displayed with dash border line in an IBD [487427]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Automatic creation of execution specification when creating a message [507409]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - All levels of child requirements should be visible by default [496247]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Diagram shortcut support does not work [315998]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Hide from diagram menu label is confusing [405605]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Contribute Hide to the Edit menu.
[418107] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Bad name for new Diagram [436341]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Drag of Multi-selection on PortNameEditPart moves only the first selected [439263]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Impossible to reorient a Create Message [443931]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - ClassCastException in Domain2Notation.
putView (68) [463751] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Develop a dnd for usecase [467522]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Unify diagram visualID of all diagrams in Papyrus [489116]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The Table is offset to the right for each selection of different stereotyped elements [492560]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Undo action does not refresh position of ActivityParameterNode [495404]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Issue detected in AffixedNodeAlignmentEditPolicy called during align actions [497485]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Improvement proposal for AbstractTreeAxisManagerForEventList [497756]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Avoid adding non executable command that will block all others in CustomizableDropEditPolicy [498357]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Display InformationFlow Name [505961]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Table must save its version number to be able to call a reconciler later [506274]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - broken images [506287]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pins of ReadStructuralFeatureAction should be create and update automatically [508735]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pins of AddStructuralFeatureValueAction should be create and update automatically [508748]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pins of CreateObjectAction should be create and update automatically [508755]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pin of ValueSpecificationAction should be create and update automatically [509073]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pins of TestIdentityAction should be create automatically [509074]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pins of CreateLinkAction should be create and update automatically [509160]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pins of DestroyLinkAction should be create and update automatically [509264]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pins of ReadLinkAction should be create and update automatically [509265]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pin of StartClassifierBehaviorAction should be create and update automatically [510131]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pins of StartObjectBehaviorAction should be create and update automatically [510196]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Pin of ReadSelfAction should be create and update automatically [510418]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners [512229]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners.
[512234] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners [513972]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners [513973]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners [513974]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners [513983]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners [513984]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners [513985]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners [513986]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The action is represented as a rectangle with no rounded corners [513987]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Impossible to create a Link [515162]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - DefaultSize should be bigger [515190]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - no palette [515361]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - possible typo in the elementtypeconfiguration [515489]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - It should not be possible to create an object flow between two actions [515525]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - regression at EditorReloadTest.
testPaletteStateRestored [515674] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Diagrams can cause many tooling models to be loaded needlessly in the editor [516901]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Communication diagram shall use element types [459678]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Ports incorrectly placed in the four corner cases including graphical glitches and incorrect location of behavior adornment [492458]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - RcpTT Job shall use Master product as AUT.
[496298] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Wrong Rendering in comment [502878]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - ShapeCustomisationTest is in regression [508517]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Column size changes when adding.
removing columns [487338] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Random failures in Copy-Paste tests in the Tables [494625]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Table context updated with View instead of semantic element [499002]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NPE on undo of "line color" appearance attribute [502160]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The XText integration for Direct Edition delete the editing elements when deleting an empty pair of chars, such as "" [507932]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NPE doing Invert Axis twice [508175]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Icons for associations in Palette [514942]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Create EFFB Diagram [484419]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - labels in the palette of the class diagram are bad written [497311]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Problems when creating constraints in constraintBlocks [502162]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - add management of combinedFragment by the grid [514836]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - a referential grid must be implemented for the sequence diagram.
[516511] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - this diagram must deactivated for the beginning of oxygen [516622]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - remove event linked to message or ExecutionSpecification [517396]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - problem about order of message after moving a lifeline [517400]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Lifeline shall not be moved manually vertically [517434]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Automated pin derivation for AcceptEventAction and AcceptCallAction [510611]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - The specification of the constraint is badly displayed [514050]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Trigger Listeners are used to update views, and not non-UI-thread safe [508147]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Memory leak in QualifiedNameDisplayEditPolicy [497391]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - NPEs in several drop policies [497400]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Potential NPE in ConstraintPasteStrategy#getGraphicalCommand(.
. . ) [497819] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Problem display information conveyed by InformationFlow [480187]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Show.
Hide related links not working [483302] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Drag'n'drop signal, reception, or operation on transition [494004]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Sequence Diagram] Resizing.
moving of a combined fragment works incorrectly in zoomed-in. zoomed-out view [443826] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - Resizing.
moving of an execution specification works incorrectly in zoomed-in. zoomed-out view [443829] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - There should be no @generated NOT code [478772]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Impossible to hide IBD Port Stereotype Label with CSS [472932]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Remove contribution to property views for the Sequence Diagram [511761]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Undoing the creation of the table doesn't work properly, the table continues to be visible in the model explorer [516882]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Welcome Page is always set to the next active page when closing any Papyrus diagram, the last active diagram (last visited) should be set to active instead [512869]
(target milestone: 3.0.0)
- Papyrus diagrams won't print [424803]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Grid must be displayed by default on diagrams [511473]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Specific preference pages "Rulers And Grids" for UML diagrams are unused [512207]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Make the current alt-navigation menu easier to access [491077]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Diagrams owned by an element shall be located first for easier access [509742]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Automatic creation of execution specification when creating a message [507409]
(target milestone: 3.0.0)
- Exported Element type model are wrong [507654]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Rpy plugins must be built and distributed [513698]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - add the missing EPL header [507034]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - several plugins register an extension parser for expansionmodel [513962]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - remove the initial customization plugins from the initial Papyrus sdk and create a basic toolsmiths environment [506989]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - group the developer menu under the Papyrus menu [507680]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - create a readme to inform on the status of the customization folder [507720]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - broke the uml dependncy on nattable configuration [508097]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - dispatching customization expansion plugins in there own functional unit [508744]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - dispatching customization nattable plugins in there own functional unit [508746]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - migrate exapansion model into its own plugin [508843]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - Oomph configuration seems not to be uptodate with latest change with toolsmiths [510670]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - all migration tools are making contribution under the root menu [511190]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - migrate developer type menu under the new one papyrus [511201]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - feature dependency on Papyrus SDK feature [514045]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - switch from string to model reference for Representation>GraphicalElementtype [514229]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - create an uml model from the ecore [514231]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - move the generateHtml .
wiki page [514232] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - switch from ecore to uml model [515957]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - switch to uml papyrus model [516083]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - rename the plugin to respect convention [516087]
(target milestone: 3.0.0) - swithc usage between pathmap:.
resource and platform:. plugin [516155] (target milestone: 3.0.0) - plugin org.
eclipse. papyrus. toolsmiths provides exception in the console [511990] (target milestone: 3.0.0)