Eclipse JNoSQL

  • A simple API to support Column NoSQL Database
  • A simple API to support Key-value NoSQL Database
  • A simple API to support Graph NoSQL Database
  • A simple API to support Document Database
  • Convention over configuration
Name Date
1.1.0 2024-02-12
1.0.1 2023-07-31
1.0.0 2023-06-21
0.0.9 2019-05-15
0.0.8 2019-02-20
0.0.7 2018-10-03
0.0.6 2018-06-20
0.0.5 2018-04-04
0.0.4 2018-01-24
0.0.3 2017-10-14
0.0.2 2017-06-25
0.0.1 2017-03-15