Eclipse LSP4E 0.1.0

Release Date

LSP4E delvers a p2 repository.


LSP4E is tested against Eclipse Platform 4.7 milestones and other Eclipse Oxygen artifacts.

However, it can be installed in an older Eclipse IDE as it doesn't rely on the most recent APIs. If installing in an older Eclipse IDE, LSP4E 0.1.0 requires user to also install the Generic Editor bundles provided by Platform UI project since 4.7.M3 (and backward compatible).


The project contributes many labels to the workbench. Those labels are internationalized.

Target Environments

Target Environment is the same as Eclipse Platform UI project.


LSP Features

Support as many of the features specified by the Language Server Protocol, in the Eclipse IDE.

Build and code quality infrastructure

The project has set up a state-of-art infrastructure to be able to build and release often, to encourage contributions and to encourage good code quality.