First milestone of LSP4E. Based on the latest milestone of LSP4J and providing most LSP features in the Eclipse IDE.
No known security issue
The project also include in its Git repository some documentation and demonstration scenarios.
The project has been promoted by several blog posts.
LSP4E 0.1.0 tries to integrate as much as possible in the existing workflows and UI artifacts of the Eclipse IDE, as provided by Eclipse Platform.
Although a lot of care in taken in keeping interactions simple, easy to discover and consistent with the existing ones in the Eclipse IDE, the project didn't go for a UI/UX review at the moment
Nothing was EOL
LSP4E 0.1.0 supports the Language Server Protocol in the same version as supported by LSP4J x.y.z
- 69 commits
- 7 code contributors (as per Git history)
- 64 bugs reported
- 11 participants on bugs
- 50 message on mailing-list
- 12 participants on mailing-list
- 3 (non-Eclipse.org) project have started publicly relying on LSP4E