Eclipse User Storage Service SDK 2.0.0

[This release is a placeholder for a future API-breaking release, should a need arise.]

The USS SDK provides an idiomatic Java API to interface with the Foundation-hosted User Storage Service from an Eclipse workspace. The SDK handles login/authentication, session management and storage/retrieval of data.

The USS SDK was originally created by the Oomph project and released as USS SDK 1.0. The USS SDK was subsequently promoted as a full technology project. Version 2.0 will:

  • remove the deprecated login/password ('session') based authentication mechanism in favour of a new OAuth-based approach supported by the Foundation;
  • offer a failback mechanism for platforms where the SWT Browser cannot be used.

The USS SDK has documentation on the Eclipse Wiki.

Release Date
Release Type
Major release (API breakage)
Name Date Description
M2 2018/09/15
M3 2018/10/27
M4 2018/12/08
M5 2019/01/26
M6 2019/03/09 API Freeze
M7 2019/05/11 Feature Freeze