List of Projects

Eclipse openDuT

Eclipse openDuT automates the testing and validation process for automotive software and applications. This includes offering a framework for the testing and validation process but also includes

Eclipse Vert.x

Eclipse Vert.x™ is an asynchronous application platform for the modern web and enterprise. Vert.x has a very simple concurrency model. Vert.x allows you to write all your code as single threaded, this

Jakarta Servlet

Jakarta Servlet™ is a standard technology for interacting with the web on the Jakarta EE platform.

Eclipse Tools for Faces

The JSF Tools Project adds comprehensive support to the Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project to simplify development and deployment of JavaServer Faces (JSF) applications. The project provides an

Eclipse Modeling Framework - Container Project

This is just an umbrella project. Please use the "Related Projects" navigation to the bottom right for details about the subprojects.

Eclipse Free BIRD Tools

By providing open-source tools for the BIRD project , the Eclipse Free BIRD Tools™ project hopes to remove barriers to understanding, contribution, trial, and adoption of the BIRD. The artefacts

AsciiDoc Language

AsciiDoc is a comprehensive, semantic markup language for producing a variety of presentation-rich output formats from content encoded in a concise, human-readable, plain text format. It also includes

Eclipse Jifa

Jifa stands for "Java Issues Finding Assistant". This project originated from an internal system that was designed to improve the efficiency of diagnosing Java heap related issues that occurred in the

Eclipse Advanced Visualization Project

Visualization is a critical part of science and engineering projects and has roles in both setting up problems and post-processing results. The input or "construction" side can include things like

Eclipse Oniro Core Platform

Eclipse Oniro Core Platform™ is an open-source project aimed at reducing fragmentation in the consumer and IoT device industry which is interoperable with OpenAtom Foundation's OpenHarmony project

Eclipse Milo

OPC Unified Architecture is an interoperability standard that enables the secure and reliable exchange of industrial automation data while remaining cross-platform and vendor neutral. The

Eclipse Modeling Workflow Engine

The Modeling Workflow Engine™ (MWE) supports orchestration of different Eclipse modeling components to be executed within Eclipse as well as standalone. Based on a dependency injection framework, one

Eclipse NG661 Designer

ARINC661 part 2 project defines a language that can be used by any airframe manufacturer to formally specify modern graphical user interface (tactile support, animation, ...). The Eclipse NG661

Eclipse OM2M

The Eclipse OM2M project is an open source implementation of the oneM2M standard. It provides a framework for developing services independently of the underlying network and aims to facilitate deployment of vertical applications and heterogeneous devices.

Eclipse Oniro Blueprints

Creating blueprints has many advantages for the Oniro Project. Some of them are outlined below. Provides a way to demonstrate Oniro features and technology using functional IoT device examples

Eclipse OneOFour

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60870-5 standard is used for communication between SCADA systems and the subset IEC 60870-5-104 is specifying network access over TCP connections.

Eclipse openK Core Modules

This project will be the collection of all core modules that are implemented within the scope of openKONSEQUENZ. A core module in our definition is not directly affected by users, in contrast to user

Eclipse openK User Modules

The project starts with the module Feed-In Management ("Last- und Einspeisemanagement") based on the German Electricity Feed-In Act. The future demand for electric energy is to be adapted to the

Eclipse Plato

Eclipse Plato is the project where the community collaborates to manage the OSPO.Zone website and the associated body of knowledge. The project uses Hugo and markdown to lower the barrier to entry for

Eclipse POOSL

Eclipse POOSL (Parallel Object-Oriented Specification Language, and the accompanying tools offer a general purpose method for describing