
Tycho is focused on a Maven-centric, manifest-first approach to building Eclipse plug-ins, features, update sites, RCP applications and OSGi bundles.

Eclipse GEMOC Studio

The Eclipse GEMOC Studio offers a framework for designing and integrating EMF-based modeling languages. The framework provides a generic interface to plug in different execution engines associated to

Eclipse CHESS™

Eclipse CHESS™ implements the CHESS UML profile, a specialization of the Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems (MARTE) profile, by producing extensions to Papyrus that provide

Eclipse Mylyn Docs

  • Archived

Eclipse Mylyn Docs provides Eclipse based tools for document editing and generation. This include: WikiText Mylyn WikiText provides an extensible framework and tools for parsing, editing and

LocationTech uDig: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS

uDig is an open source desktop application framework, built with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology. uDig provides a complete Java solution for desktop GIS data access, editing, and viewing. User

Eclipse Code Recommenders

Eclipse Code Recommenders supports developers on learning new APIs by providing tools which learn correct API usages or valuable API usage patterns by analyzing example code and re-integrates this regained knowledge back into your IDE by means of intelligent code completion, extended javadocs and others...

Eclipse Stardust

The Eclipse Stardust project is focused on providing a comprehensive Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) which covers all phases of the Business Process Lifecycle including modeling, simulation


  • Archived

This project has been merged into the eclipse.platform project

Eclipse EMF Query

  • Archived

This project has merged into the EMF Services project. The Eclipse EMF Query component facilitates the process of search and retrieval of model elements of interest in a flexible yet controlled and

EMF Feature Model

During the last years Feature Modeling has become the "standard" for variability management in the field of Software Product Lines. Feature Models are easy to understand and provide a generic way to