
Tycho is focused on a Maven-centric, manifest-first approach to building Eclipse plug-ins, features, update sites, RCP applications and OSGi bundles.

Eclipse e(fx)clipse™

The Eclipse e(fx)clipse™ project provides tooling and runtime components that help developers create JavaFX applications.

Eclipse Nebula NatTable

Eclipse NatTable™ is a powerful and flexible SWT table/grid widget that is built to handle very large data sets, real-time updates, dynamic styling, and more. NatTable is a subproject of the Eclipse

Eclipse Passage

Eclipse Passage 2.10.1 is available! The Eclipse Passage™ project aims to provide rich and easily adaptable capabilities to declare and control licensing constraints. The usage story starts in

Eclipse SWTBot

Eclipse SWTBot™ is a Java based UI/functional testing tool for testing SWT and Eclipse based applications.

Eclipse UOMo

Eclipse UOMo adds Units of Measurement support for IT Systems and Services both to common programming languages like Java and Data Exchange standards like UCUM and formats including UnitsML, SensorML

Eclipse Wild Web Developer

Eclipse Wild Web Developer™ integrates existing artifacts like TextMate grammars and Language Servers to provide a rich development experience to Web developers using typical programming languages for

Eclipse EGerrit

The purpose of this project is to provide a set of Eclipse plug-ins that provide code review capabilities in the Eclipse IDE. Feature parity with the Gerrit 2.9 web front-end Future proof integration

Eclipse EMF Client Platform

The Eclipse EMF Client Platform is a framework for building EMF-based client applications. The goal is to provide reusable, adaptable and extensible UI components to develop applications based on a

Eclipse WTP Source Editing

The Eclipse Source Editing project provides source editing support for typical "web" languages and the mixing of them, with a focus on making the editors extensible and easily reusable. Here you will

Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit

The Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) is a tool for vendors, researchers, and end-users who rely on dynamic languages. DLTK is comprised of a set of extensible frameworks designed to reduce the


This project has been merged into the VIATRA project. EMF-IncQuery is a framework for defining declarative queries over EMF models, and executing them efficiently without manual coding. The EMF

Eclipse GMF Tooling

The Eclipse GMF Tooling project provides a model-driven approach to generating graphical editors in the Eclipse IDE. By defining a tooling, graphical and mapping model definition, one can generate a

Eclipse Extended Editing Framework (EEF)

The Eclipse Extended Editing Framework is a presentation framework for the Eclipse Modeling Framework. It allows user to create rich user interfaces to edit EMF models.

Eclipse Edapt™

Eclipse Edapt™ defines APIs and provides implementations for the following functionality: Ecore models to specify the changes between two versions of an Ecore model and to compose these as a complete

Remote Application Platform Incubator

The RAP Incubator is a sub-project to make new and promising developments visible and available for the community.It is partitioned into components, each maintained by its own Incubator committer(s)

Eclipse JWT

The Eclipse Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) project provides design time, development time and runtime workflow tools. Thanks to its extensible architecture, it also fosters interoperability between

Eclipse Mobile Tools for Java™

Eclipse Mobile Tools for Java™ project creates tools and frameworks to extend the Eclipse platform to support embedded and mobile device Java application development. News September 15, 2015, Mobile

Eclipse Libra

Eclipse Library provide Eclipse Enterprise Tools for the OSGi Service Platform. The Plug-in Development Environment project and Web Tools Platform project provide plenty of tools for OSGi development

Eclipse UML Profiles Repository

The modeling facilities of Eclipse are an essential part of Eclipse's annual release trains. The Eclipse Modeling Framework and associated projects, like UML2, OCL, QVTo etc., are integrated into

Eclipse Fundamental Modeling Concepts

This project aims at providing meta models and editors for FMC to support software architects and consultants in defining and analyzing system landscapes on the conceptual as well as on the design