
Tycho is focused on a Maven-centric, manifest-first approach to building Eclipse plug-ins, features, update sites, RCP applications and OSGi bundles.

Eclipse TEA™ (Tasking Engine Advanced)

Eclipse TEA™ is a tasking orchestration engine that can be run from within the Eclipse IDE or headlessly. It is immediately concerned with tasks related to building and managing plug-ins for the

Eclipse Model Driven Health Tools

Eclipse MDHT delivers a standard object-oriented alternative to proprietary development methodologies and tooling used to specify and implement most healthcare industry standards. There are three

Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge

Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge™ is a diff/merge tool for models. Its main purpose is to help build higher-level tools that need to merge models based on consistency rules. GUI components are also provided

Eclipse VIATRA

The Eclipse VIATRA™ framework supports the development of model transformations with specific focus on event-driven, reactive transformations. Building upon the incremental query support, VIATRA offers a language to define transformations and a reactive transformation engine to execute certain transformations upon changes in the underlying model.

Eclipse eTrice

Eclipse eTrice™ is an implementation of the ROOM modeling language for event driven real-time software systems. It provides tooling like textual and graphical editors, code generators for Java, C++

Eclipse Visual Editor for XML

Eclipse Vex is a Visual Editor for XML that hides the raw XML tags from the user, providing instead a word processor like interface. Vex uses standard DTD files to define document types and CSS

Mylyn Docs Intent

  • Archived

Intent : tooling for writing useful and synchronized documentation Intent is a tool allowing developers to easily write a documentation up-to-date with any development artifact (models, code

Eclipse SCAVA

Software engineers spend most of their time learning to understand the software they maintain or depend on (or will depend on). The goal of this learning process is to support decision-making. In this

Eclipse Mylyn

Eclipse Mylyn™ is a Task-Focused Interface for Eclipse that reduces information overload and makes multi-tasking easy.

Eclipse Tycho

Eclipse Tycho™ is a manifest-first way to build Eclipse Platform plug-ins/OSGi bundles, Features, Update sites/p2 repositories, and Eclipse RCP applications with Maven.

Eclipse WindowBuilder

Issues: https://github.com/eclipse-windowbuilder/windowbuilder/issues Discussions: https://github.com/eclipse-windowbuilder/windowbuilder/discussions Eclipse WindowBuilder™ is composed of Eclipse SWT

Eclipse OM2M

The Eclipse OM2M project is an open source implementation of the oneM2M standard. It provides a framework for developing services independently of the underlying network and aims to facilitate deployment of vertical applications and heterogeneous devices.

Eclipse SmartMDSD™

This Eclipse SmartMDSD™ provides an Eclipse-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for robotics software development. The SmartMDSD Toolchain provides support and guidance to apply best


Eclipse TRACE4CPS™ (TRACE) maintains and evolves a visualization and analysis tool for the performance engineering of cyber-physical systems. It has a strong focus on industrial applicability. There

Eclipse Maven Integration for Web Tools Platform

The Eclipse Maven Integration for WTP project, also known as m2e-wtp, provides a tight integration between Maven Integration for Eclipse (m2e) and the Eclipse Web Tools Project (WTP). m2e-wtp provides

Eclipse Papyrus

Eclipse Papyrus® provides an integrated, user-consumable environment for editing any kind of EMF model and particularly supporting UML and related modeling languages such as SysML and MARTE. Papyrus

Eclipse Gendoc

Eclipse Gendoc extracts data from Eclipse EMF models and generates documents that fully respect the appearance of your document template.

Eclipse Acceleo

Eclipse Acceleo is an open source code generator implementing the OMG's MOF Model to Text Language (MTL) standard that uses any EMF based models (UML, SysML, domain specific models...) to generate any

Eclipse e(fx)clipse™

The Eclipse e(fx)clipse™ project provides tooling and runtime components that help developers create JavaFX applications.