
Tycho is focused on a Maven-centric, manifest-first approach to building Eclipse plug-ins, features, update sites, RCP applications and OSGi bundles.

Eclipse Server Tools

The Eclipse Server Tools project is responsible for the framework and adapters for selected servers. It provides a generic infrastructure and JEE specific server components.

Eclipse JGit: Java implementation of Git

Eclipse JGit™ is a pure Java implementation of the Git version control system. Git is a distributed SCM, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code

Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge

Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge™ is a diff/merge tool for models. Its main purpose is to help build higher-level tools that need to merge models based on consistency rules. GUI components are also provided

Eclipse EMF Services

EMF Services provides libraries that extend the core EMF framework with additional services or more powerful versions of services provided by EMF itself. The project currently provides three

Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)

The Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework™ (GEF) provides Eclipse-integrated end-user tools in terms of a Graphviz authoring (DOT editor, DOT Graph view) and a word cloud rendering environment (Tag

Eclipse Orbit Project

The Eclipse Orbit project provides a repository of bundled versions of third party libraries that are approved for use in one or more Eclipse projects. The repository maintains current and old versions of such libraries to facilitate current builds as well as the rebuilding of historical output. The contents of Orbit are available in several different forms (e.g., Update Site, download archives, ...). As the Eclipse tooling evolves, developers will be able to easily obtain and add supplied bundles to their workspace or target platform.

Gemini Management

Gemini Management implements the JMX Specification Version of the OSGi Service Platform Enterprise Specification, Version 5.0. To learn more about Gemini Management you can read the documentation. The

Eclipse Target Communication Framework

Eclipse TCF is a vendor-neutral, lightweight, extensible network protocol mainly for communicating with embedded systems (targets). Its most distinguishing feature is that TCF is designed to

Eclipse Kura

Eclipse Kura™ offers a Java/OSGi-based container for M2M applications running in service gateways. Kura provides or, when available, aggregates open source implementations for the most common services needed by M2M applications. Kura components are designed as configurable OSGi Declarative Service exposing service API and raising events. While several Kura components are in pure Java, others are invoked through JNI and have a dependency on the Linux operating system.

Eclipse QVT Operational

The Eclipse QVT Operational component is an implementation of the Operational Mappings Language defined by Meta Object Facility™ (MOF™) 2.0 Query/View/Transformation™ (QVT). In long term, it aims to

Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler Project

The mission of the Eclipse SOA Project is to build frameworks and extensible tools that enable the design, configuration, assembly, deployment, monitoring, and management of software designed around a

Eclipse OCL (Object Constraint Language)

Eclipse OCL provides libraries and tools for the Object Constraint Language (OCL) OMG standard using EMF-based models.

Eclipse QVTd (QVT Declarative)

The Eclipse QVT Declarative (QVTd) component is a partial implementation of the Core (QVTc) and Relations (QVTr) Languages defined by the OMG standard specification (MOF) 2.0 Query/View/Transformation

Eclipse MoDisco

Eclipse MoDisco provides an extensible framework to elaborate on model-driven solutions supporting software reverse engineering and modernization use cases such as technical migration, software

Eclipse Signalling Engineering Toolbox

Eclipse Signalling Engineering Toolbox provides essential components of the tool chain to manage initialization, testing, validation and visualization of the PlanPro object model for railway

Eclipse TeXlipse™

The Eclipse TeXlipse™ project provides an Eclipse extension to support LaTeX projects, so that document preparation can be incorporated into the normal Eclipse development activities. LaTeX is a

Eclipse StatET™: Tooling for the R language

Eclipse StatET™ is an Eclipse-based IDE for R. It offers a set of mature tools for R coding and package building. This includes a fully integrated R console R script editors an integrated R Graphics

Eclipse Xtext

Eclipse Xtext™ is a framework for development of programming languages and domain specific languages. It covers all aspects of a complete language infrastructure, from parsers, over linker, compiler

Eclipse LSAT

The Eclipse LSAT™ project provides a toolkit for the early design of (mechatronics-intense) flexible manufacturing system development adhering to the MBSE paradigm. It enables the specification of the

Eclipse Equinox

Eclipse Equinox™ is an implementation of the OSGi core framework specification, a set of bundles that implement various optional OSGi services and other infrastructure for running OSGi-based systems.