List of Projects

Eclipse BlueChi™

Eclipse BlueChi™ is a deterministic multi-node service controller with a focus on highly regulated ecosystems. It is written in C and integrates seamless with systemd via its D-Bus API relaying D-Bus

Eclipse Textual Modeling Framework

The Eclipse Textual Modeling Framework is an umbrella project for textual modeling frameworks at Eclipse. It contains two concrete projects: Xtext TCS (currently inactive) Please refer to the

Eclipse Vhant

The Eclipse Foundation Development Process (EDP) is the foundational goverance document for Eclipse projects and committers. It describes the manner in which we do open source software. The EDP does

LocationTech GeoMesa

LocationTech GeoMesa™ is an Apache licensed open source suite of tools that enables large-scale geospatial analytics on cloud and distributed computing systems, letting you manage and analyze the huge spatio-temporal datasets that IoT, social media, tracking, and mobile phone applications seek to take advantage of today.

Eclipse Zenoh-Flow

Eclipse Zenoh-Flow aims at simplifying and structuring (i) the declaration, (ii) the deployment and (iii) the writing of complex and, potentially, safety-critical applications that can span from the

Eclipse Cloud Development

The mission of ECD is to create technologies, platforms, and tools necessary to enable the delivery of highly integrated cloud development and cloud developer environments. Our vision is to meet the

Eclipse Orbit Project

The Eclipse Orbit project provides a repository of bundled versions of third party libraries that are approved for use in one or more Eclipse projects. The repository maintains current and old versions of such libraries to facilitate current builds as well as the rebuilding of historical output. The contents of Orbit are available in several different forms (e.g., Update Site, download archives, ...). As the Eclipse tooling evolves, developers will be able to easily obtain and add supplied bundles to their workspace or target platform.

Eclipse OpenCert

Eclipse OpenCert is a customizable safety assurance and certification tool environment integrated into existing manufacturers’ development and safety assurance processes and tooling. The OpenCert

Eclipse Automotive

The Eclipse Automotive Top-Level Project provides a space for open source projects to explore ideas and technologies addressing challenges in the automotive, mobility and transportation domain. It is

The Eclipse Integrated Computational Environment

The Eclipse Integrated Computational Environment (ICE) addresses the usability needs of the scientific and engineering community for the Big Four modeling and simulation activities. The focus of the ICE is to develop an easily extended and reusable set of tools that can be used by developers to create rich user interfaces for their modeling and simulation products. Custom widgets and data structures with well-defined interfaces and high-coverage unit tests are provided for plugin developers.

Eclipse Target Communication Framework

Eclipse TCF is a vendor-neutral, lightweight, extensible network protocol mainly for communicating with embedded systems (targets). Its most distinguishing feature is that TCF is designed to

Eclipse OS-Gov

The Eclipse OS-Gov project provides guidelines and best practices for the governance and management of open source projects. Developed by recognised open source experts, it covers a wide range of

Eclipse Hono

Eclipse Hono™ provides remote service interfaces for connecting large numbers of IoT devices to a back end and interacting with them in a uniform way regardless of the device communication protocol

Eclipse Langium

Eclipse Langium is a toolkit for domain-specific languages (DSLs) that is fully built with TypeScript. It provides a text parser with integrated cross-reference resolution and a language server for

Eclipse Novamoon

Eclipse Novamoon offers a full stack low code platform providing all services to build business applications : Low Code back end flows Low code Data access layers to SQL Low Code REST API Connectors

Eclipse AASX Package Explorer and Server

Eclipse AASX Package Explorer and Server is a suite for viewing, creating, editing and hosting Industrie 4.0 Asset Administration Shell packages. Eclipse AASX Package Explorer is a tool with graphical

Eclipse Modeling Project

The Eclipse Modeling Project focuses on the evolution and promotion of model-based development technologies within the Eclipse community by providing a unified set of modeling frameworks, tooling, and

Eclipse Hara

Eclipse Hara™ provides a reference agent software implementation featuring the Eclipse hawkBit device API. Such reference implementations are initially driven by operating systems and application

Eclipse MDM|BL

The Eclipse MDM|BL comprises a bottom to top architecture view of three parts. The first one is a specific openMDM application model definition for the ASAM ODS data storage. The standardization