List of Projects

Eclipse Tyrus

Eclipse Tyrus™ is an open source implementation for easy development of WebSocket applications. WebSocket protocol defined by IETF provides bi-directional communication between the server and the

Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE

The Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE is a source code generator for Jakarta EE projects. That means that it is a natural fit under the EE4J umbrella.

Eclipse Soteria

Eclipse Soteria™ provides a Jakarta Security compatible implementation.

Eclipse Parsson

Eclipse Parsson™ provides an implementation of Jakarta JSON Processing Specification. It allows processing (e.g. parse, generate, transform and query) JSON documents. It produces and consumes JSON in

Eclipse ORB

Eclipse ORB is a runtime component that can be used for distributed computing using IIOP communication.

Eclipse OpenMQ

Eclipse Open Message Queue (Eclipse OpenMQ™) is a complete message-oriented middleware platform, offering high quality, enterprise-ready messaging. Eclipse OpenMQ is included in GlassFish.

Eclipse Mojarra

Eclipse Mojarra™ is an implementation for the Jakarta Faces specification. Jakarta Server Faces defines an MVC framework for building user interfaces for web applications, including UI components

Eclipse Metro

Eclipse Metro™ is a high-performance, extensible, easy-to-use web service stack. This project contains the source code, documentation, and tests for JAX-WS, SAAJ, Web Services Interoperability

Eclipse Jersey

Eclipse Jersey™ is a REST framework, part of EE4J, that provides a JAX-RS ( JSR-370) implementation, Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 implementation, and more. Jersey provides its own APIs that extend

Eclipse Implementation of JAXB

Jakarta XML Binding defines an API and tools that automate the mapping between XML documents and Java objects. The Eclipse Implementation of JAXB™ project contains implementation of Jakarta XML

Eclipse Grizzly

Writing scalable server applications in the Java™ programming language has always been difficult. Before the advent of the Java New I/O API (NIO), thread management issues made it impossible for a

Eclipse ExpressLy

Eclipse ExpressLy™ implements Jakarta Expression Language, a technology that helps software developers embed dynamically evaluated expressions in things like XML attributes, directly as template text

Eclipse Exousia

Eclipse Exousia™ implements Jakarta Authorization, a technology that defines a low-level SPI for authorization modules, which are repositories of permissions facilitating subject based security by

Eclipse Gran Sasso

Eclipse Gran Sasso is a pilot project that predicts performance of cloud-native enterprise Java applications and traditional application servers using AI/ML techniques. By building deep learning

Eclipse Epicyro

Eclipse Epicyro implements Jakarta Authentication, a technology that defines a low-level SPI for authentication mechanisms, which are controllers that interact with a caller and a container’s

Eclipse Documentation for Jakarta EE

The Eclipse Documentation for Jakarta EE project hosts documentation intended for programmers interested in developing and deploying Jakarta EE applications. It covers the technologies comprising the

Eclipse Open DI

This project provides an implementation of Jakarta CDI-lite specification based on Micronaut framework.

Eclipse Winery

Eclipse Winery is a web-based environment to graphically model TOSCA topologies and plans managing these topologies. The environment includes a type and template management component to offer creation and modification of all elements defined in the TOSCA specification. All information is stored in a repository, which allows importing and exporting using the TOSCA packaging format.

Eclipse Packaging Project

The objectives of the Eclipse Packaging project™ is to create entry level downloads based on defined profiles. The project defined and created the EPP downloads of Java Developer, Java for Enterprise

Eclipse Daanse - Data and Analysis Services

Eclipse Data Analysis Services (Daanse) is an open source software designed to analyze large amounts of data and extract valuable insights from it. With a steady rise of digital data production in