
This project produces modeling frameworks, tooling, and/or standards implementations.

Eclipse Open System Engineering Environment

The Eclipse Open System Engineering Environment™ (OSEE) project provides a tightly integrated environment supporting lean principles across a product's full life-cycle in the context of an overall

Eclipse VIATRA

The Eclipse VIATRA™ framework supports the development of model transformations with specific focus on event-driven, reactive transformations. Building upon the incremental query support, VIATRA offers a language to define transformations and a reactive transformation engine to execute certain transformations upon changes in the underlying model.

Eclipse eTrice

Eclipse eTrice™ is an implementation of the ROOM modeling language for event driven real-time software systems. It provides tooling like textual and graphical editors, code generators for Java, C++


The Henshin project provides a state of the art model transformation language for the Eclipse Modeling Framework. Henshin supports both direct transformations of EMF single model instances (endogenous

Eclipse EMF Parsley

Eclipse EMF Parsley is an Eclipse project that provides a set of reusable UI components based on EMF (e.g., trees, tables, forms, views and editors), hiding most of the complexity of internal details, that can be used in your EMF-based plugin out-of-the-box. These parts are highly customizable via a DSL that let change a lot of details even easier and in a very compact form. The DSL is implemented in Xtext, thus, it comes with rich and powerful IDE tooling.

Eclipse SysON

The Eclipse SysON project provides an open-source web-based tooling to edit SysML v2 models. It includes a set of editors (graphical, textual, form-based, etc.) enabling users to build the various

Eclipse APP4MC

Application Platform Project for Multi Core Eclipse APP4MC™ is a platform for engineering embedded multi- and many-core software systems. The platform enables the creation and management of complex

AMW - Atlas Model Weaver

The AMW (ATLAS Model Weaver) is a tool for establishing relationships (i.e., links) between models. The links are stored in a model, called weaving model. It is created conforming to a weaving metamodel. AMW provides a base weaving metamodel enabling to create links between model elements and associations between links. The metamodel may be extended to add other mapping semantics. This way there is the possibility of creating variable mapping languages dedicated to specific application requirements.


Eclipse TRACE4CPS™ (TRACE) maintains and evolves a visualization and analysis tool for the performance engineering of cyber-physical systems. It has a strong focus on industrial applicability. There

Eclipse Papyrus

Eclipse Papyrus® provides an integrated, user-consumable environment for editing any kind of EMF model and particularly supporting UML and related modeling languages such as SysML and MARTE. Papyrus

Eclipse Gendoc

Eclipse Gendoc extracts data from Eclipse EMF models and generates documents that fully respect the appearance of your document template.

Eclipse CommaSuite

The domain-specific language of Eclipse CommaSuite allows the specification of the provided and required interfaces of a software component. Each interface is described by means of (1) a signature, i

Eclipse Acceleo

Eclipse Acceleo is an open source code generator implementing the OMG's MOF Model to Text Language (MTL) standard that uses any EMF based models (UML, SysML, domain specific models...) to generate any

Cloud Application Management Framework

The project aims to develop and sustain the necessary tooling that will assist Cloud application lifecycle management operations, using open standards and languages, where appropriate. As

Eclipse Sphinx

Eclipse Sphinx™ provides a modeling tool platform for Eclipse that eases the development of IDE-like tool support for modeling languages used in software and systems development.

Eclipse UOMo

Eclipse UOMo adds Units of Measurement support for IT Systems and Services both to common programming languages like Java and Data Exchange standards like UCUM and formats including UnitsML, SensorML

Eclipse EMF Client Platform

The Eclipse EMF Client Platform is a framework for building EMF-based client applications. The goal is to provide reusable, adaptable and extensible UI components to develop applications based on a

Eclipse Xpand

Eclipse Xpand is language specialized on code generation based on Eclipse EMF models.


This project has been merged into the VIATRA project. EMF-IncQuery is a framework for defining declarative queries over EMF models, and executing them efficiently without manual coding. The EMF

Eclipse GMF Tooling

The Eclipse GMF Tooling project provides a model-driven approach to generating graphical editors in the Eclipse IDE. By defining a tooling, graphical and mapping model definition, one can generate a