
This project produces modeling frameworks, tooling, and/or standards implementations.

Eclipse Layout Kernel

Visual languages are popular for visualizing concepts and systems. However, just being graphical in nature does not automatically make a diagram easy to understand. Its usefulness much rather depends

Eclipse POOSL

Eclipse POOSL (Parallel Object-Oriented Specification Language, and the accompanying tools offer a general purpose method for describing

Eclipse Modeling Workflow Engine

The Modeling Workflow Engine™ (MWE) supports orchestration of different Eclipse modeling components to be executed within Eclipse as well as standalone. Based on a dependency injection framework, one

Eclipse Amalgam

The intention of the Modeling Amalgam™ project proposal is to augment the current Modeling project with one focused solely on refining the "user experience" when using Modeling project technologies.

Eclipse Fennec

Eclipse Fennec is an incubator and code-space for EMF and OSGi related topics. We put some extensions to EMF to make it work in an optimal OSGi manner. Based on that we build additional components for

Eclipse ATL

Eclipse ATL (ATL Transformation Language) is a model transformation language and toolkit. In the field of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), ATL provides ways to produce a set of target models from a set

Eclipse Extended Editing Framework (EEF)

The Eclipse Extended Editing Framework is a presentation framework for the Eclipse Modeling Framework. It allows user to create rich user interfaces to edit EMF models.

Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler Project

The mission of the Eclipse SOA Project is to build frameworks and extensible tools that enable the design, configuration, assembly, deployment, monitoring, and management of software designed around a

Eclipse Aidge

The Eclipse Aidge platform is a comprehensive solution for fast and accurate Deep Neural Network (DNN) simulation and full and automated DNN-based applications building. The platform integrates

Eclipse Signalling Engineering Toolbox

Eclipse Signalling Engineering Toolbox provides essential components of the tool chain to manage initialization, testing, validation and visualization of the PlanPro object model for railway

Eclipse GEMOC Studio

The Eclipse GEMOC Studio offers a framework for designing and integrating EMF-based modeling languages. The framework provides a generic interface to plug in different execution engines associated to

Eclipse sensiNact

The Eclipse sensiNact project consists of a software platform enabling the collection, processing and redistribution of any data relevant to improving the quality of life of urban citizens

Eclipse Edapt™

Eclipse Edapt™ defines APIs and provides implementations for the following functionality: Ecore models to specify the changes between two versions of an Ecore model and to compose these as a complete

Eclipse GLSP

Eclipse GLSP™ provides extensible components to enable the development of diagram editors including edit functionality in (distributed) web-applications via a client-server protocol. By applying the

Eclipse EMF Cloud™

Eclipse EMF Cloud™ comprises a set of components that facilitate and simplify the adoption of the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) in cloud-based applications. Thus, the overarching theme of EMF Cloud

Eclipse Hawk™

Eclipse Hawk™ is a heterogeneous model indexing framework: it indexes collections of models transparently and incrementally into a NoSQL database, which can be queried in a more efficient and

Eclipse Capella

Eclipse Capella® is a comprehensive, extensible and field-proven MBSE tool to successfully design system, software, and hardware architecture. Relying on Arcadia, a model-based methodology that covers

Eclipse Capra

Eclipse Capra is a traceability management tool. It allows the creation of trace links between arbitrary artefacts, provides features to edit them and keep them consistent, and visualise the relationships between them.

Eclipse Model Driven Health Tools

Eclipse MDHT delivers a standard object-oriented alternative to proprietary development methodologies and tooling used to specify and implement most healthcare industry standards. There are three

Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge

Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge™ is a diff/merge tool for models. Its main purpose is to help build higher-level tools that need to merge models based on consistency rules. GUI components are also provided