
This project produces modeling frameworks, tooling, and/or standards implementations.

Eclipse GMF Notation

The Eclipse GMF Notation Project provides a standard Eclipse EMF notational meta model. The notational meta model is a standard means for persisting diagram information separately from the domain


The Texo project provides annotation driven code generation for server-side web application environments. At runtime Texo supports XML/XMI persistence and runtime model access. JSON serialization and

Eclipse UML Profiles Repository

The modeling facilities of Eclipse are an essential part of Eclipse's annual release trains. The Eclipse Modeling Framework and associated projects, like UML2, OCL, QVTo etc., are integrated into

Eclipse Fundamental Modeling Concepts

This project aims at providing meta models and editors for FMC to support software architects and consultants in defining and analyzing system landscapes on the conceptual as well as on the design

Eclipse Requirements Modeling Framework™

The Eclipse Requirements Framework™ provides a reference implementation of the Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF), including a GUI (ProR).

Model Focusing Tools

The Model Focusing Tools project brings Mylyn's task-focused interface to modeling tools: Diagram editors, such as for Ecore and UML models Model Navigators Model Outlines EMF generated editors It

Eclipse Ogee

Eclipse Ogee provides Eclipse Platform-based developer tools for the provisioning and consumption of OData services regardless of the service provisioning platform and service consuming technology. It

Eclipse PMF

Eclipse PMF focuses in fact on high level presentation modeling concepts on GUI by ignoring the displaying technology artifacts such as appearence, layouts and data binding support. It allows each

Eclipse UML Generators

Eclipse UML Generators Project provides components that automatically bridge the gap between UML models and source code. Either by extracting data from UML models (and UML profiles or decoration

Eclipse Winery

Eclipse Winery is a web-based environment to graphically model TOSCA topologies and plans managing these topologies. The environment includes a type and template management component to offer creation and modification of all elements defined in the TOSCA specification. All information is stored in a repository, which allows importing and exporting using the TOSCA packaging format.

Eclipse AASX Package Explorer and Server

Eclipse AASX Package Explorer and Server is a suite for viewing, creating, editing and hosting Industrie 4.0 Asset Administration Shell packages. Eclipse AASX Package Explorer is a tool with graphical

Eclipse LSAT

The Eclipse LSAT™ project provides a toolkit for the early design of (mechatronics-intense) flexible manufacturing system development adhering to the MBSE paradigm. It enables the specification of the

Eclipse Formal Modeling Project™

Background: The Eclipse Formal Modeling Project™ (E-FMP for short) is based on research work that has been started at the CEA LIST in the nineties. That research focused on methods and tools to

Eclipse EMF Compare

Eclipse EMF Compare brings model comparison to the EMF framework, this tool provides generic support for any kind of metamodel in order to compare and merge models. The objectives of this component

Eclipse Ecore Tools

The Eclipse Ecore Tools component provides a complete environment to create, edit and maintain Ecore models. This component eases handling of Ecore models with a Graphical Ecore Editor and bridges to other existing Ecore tools ( Validation, Search, Compare, Emfatic, generators...). The Graphical Ecore Editor implements multi-diagram support, a custom tabbed properties view, validation feedbacks, refactoring capabilities...

Eclipse EMFStore

Eclipse EMFStore is a model repository (server) for EMF featuring collaborative editing and versioning of models. Existing versioning systems such as SVN or GIT are focused on textual artifacts and do

Eclipse MDT XSD™ (XML Schema Definition)

This project has been merged into the Eclipse EMF project. Please see: Eclipse XSD™ is a library

Eclipse Sapphire

Eclipse Sapphire is a user interface development framework that improves productivity. Instead of focusing on individual widgets, layouts and data binding, the developers focus on modeling the

Eclipse Franca

Franca is a framework for definition and transformation of software interfaces. It is used for integrating software components from different suppliers, which are built based on various runtime frameworks, platforms and IPC (Inter-Process Communication) mechanisms.

Eclipse EATOP

Eclipse EATOP is an infrastructure platform implementation of common base functionality for design tools that enable an effective usage of the architecture description language EAST-ADL in software and systems development.