
The project produces development tools such as computer programming language tools (compilers, editors, debuggers), performance tools, and test tools.

Eclipse TM4E - TextMate support in the Eclipse IDE

Eclipse TM4E™ includes the necessary code to easily set up syntax highlighting for a wide diversity of languages in the Eclipse IDE, by reusing TextMate grammars. The default integration is to provide

Eclipse LSP4J

Eclipse LSP4J™ is a Java implementation of VSCode's language server protocol and debug adapter protocol intended to be consumed by tools and language servers and debug adapters implemented in Java.

Eclipse Packaging Project

The objectives of the Eclipse Packaging project™ is to create entry level downloads based on defined profiles. The project defined and created the EPP downloads of Java Developer, Java for Enterprise

Eclipse Memory Analyzer

The Eclipse Memory Analyzer™ provides a general purpose toolkit to analyze Java heap dumps. Besides heap walking and fast calculation of retained sizes, the Eclipse tool reports leak suspects and

Eclipse Open System Engineering Environment

The Eclipse Open System Engineering Environment™ (OSEE) project provides a tightly integrated environment supporting lean principles across a product's full life-cycle in the context of an overall

Eclipse Paho

The Eclipse Paho project provides reliable open-source implementations of open and standard messaging protocols aimed at new, existing, and emerging applications for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and

Eclipse JGit: Java implementation of Git

Eclipse JGit™ is a pure Java implementation of the Git version control system. Git is a distributed SCM, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code

Eclipse Migration Toolkit for Java

The Eclipse Migration Toolkit for Java is a tooling project for assisting the Java version migration. The project provides static/dynamic tools and documents that support the migration of Java

Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling)

The Eclipse CDT™ Project provides a fully functional C and C++ Integrated Development Environment based on the Eclipse platform. Features include: support for project creation and managed build for

Eclipse Transformer

The project can mutate individual class files and thus could be used in a class loader to dynamically rename type references at runtime while classes are being loaded. This could allow a program such

Eclipse Target Communication Framework

Eclipse TCF is a vendor-neutral, lightweight, extensible network protocol mainly for communicating with embedded systems (targets). Its most distinguishing feature is that TCF is designed to

Eclipse Apoapsis

The Eclipse Apoapsis project provides a process and a reference implementation for large-scale software composition analysis (SCA). The ORT Server reference implementation is based on the OSS Review

Eclipse Kura

Eclipse Kura™ offers a Java/OSGi-based container for M2M applications running in service gateways. Kura provides or, when available, aggregates open source implementations for the most common services needed by M2M applications. Kura components are designed as configurable OSGi Declarative Service exposing service API and raising events. While several Kura components are in pure Java, others are invoked through JNI and have a dependency on the Linux operating system.

Eclipse AASX Package Explorer and Server

Eclipse AASX Package Explorer and Server is a suite for viewing, creating, editing and hosting Industrie 4.0 Asset Administration Shell packages. Eclipse AASX Package Explorer is a tool with graphical

Eclipse QVT Operational

The Eclipse QVT Operational component is an implementation of the Operational Mappings Language defined by Meta Object Facility™ (MOF™) 2.0 Query/View/Transformation™ (QVT). In long term, it aims to

Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler Project

The mission of the Eclipse SOA Project is to build frameworks and extensible tools that enable the design, configuration, assembly, deployment, monitoring, and management of software designed around a

Eclipse OCL (Object Constraint Language)

Eclipse OCL provides libraries and tools for the Object Constraint Language (OCL) OMG standard using EMF-based models.

Eclipse QVTd (QVT Declarative)

The Eclipse QVT Declarative (QVTd) component is a partial implementation of the Core (QVTc) and Relations (QVTr) Languages defined by the OMG standard specification (MOF) 2.0 Query/View/Transformation

Eclipse Signalling Engineering Toolbox

Eclipse Signalling Engineering Toolbox provides essential components of the tool chain to manage initialization, testing, validation and visualization of the PlanPro object model for railway

Eclipse TeXlipse™

The Eclipse TeXlipse™ project provides an Eclipse extension to support LaTeX projects, so that document preparation can be incorporated into the normal Eclipse development activities. LaTeX is a