
The project produces development tools such as computer programming language tools (compilers, editors, debuggers), performance tools, and test tools.

Eclipse RCP Testing Tool

Eclipse RCP Testing Tool allows create and execute test cases for Eclipse-based applications with minimal effort. The minimal required configuration of applications under test is as simple as browsing for a folder for binary AUTs or choosing a PDE launch configuration for AUTs from sources. A typical workflow to create a test case which should work in most cases looks like this: capture an application state, record test actions, add assertions. More complex activities including test parameterization, extracting common pieces of functionality into reusable actions, writing test cases manually before UI, and test case debugging are also available. Developers can extend the tool's functionality to add record/replay support of custom widgets and capture/apply support of custom aspects of an application state. For more details on RCPTT visit

Eclipse e(fx)clipse™

The Eclipse e(fx)clipse™ project provides tooling and runtime components that help developers create JavaFX applications.

Eclipse SW360antenna

Eclipse SW360antenna is a tool to automate your open source license compliance processes as much as possible. In the end that is collecting all compliance relevant data, process that data and warn if

Eclipse SmartMDSD™

This Eclipse SmartMDSD™ provides an Eclipse-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for robotics software development. The SmartMDSD Toolchain provides support and guidance to apply best

Eclipse OMR

The Eclipse OMR project consists of a highly integrated set of open source C and C++ components that can be used to build robust language runtimes that will support many different hardware and

Eclipse Dirigible™

Eclipse Dirigible™ is a High-Productivity Application Platform that provides development tools and a runtime environment. It supports the full development lifecycle of applications by leveraging an in-system programming model and rapid application development techniques.

Eclipse LSP4J

Eclipse LSP4J™ is a Java implementation of VSCode's language server protocol and debug adapter protocol intended to be consumed by tools and language servers and debug adapters implemented in Java.

Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure

The Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure (CBI) is an initiative combining infrastructure, services, technologies and best practices for building, testing and delivering software at the Eclipse

Eclipse Streamsheets™

With Eclipse Streamsheets™ the everyday technical or business end user can create stream processing applications just by using their existing spreadsheet knowledge (e.g. from Microsoft Excel or Google

Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry

Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry (CFT) provide an extensible framework and common UI to deploy applications to different Cloud Foundry targets, and it is a framework that closely integrates with Web

Eclipse ESCET (Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit)

The Eclipse Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit (Eclipse ESCET™) project provides a toolkit for the development of supervisory controllers in the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) paradigm

Eclipse AspectJ™

Eclipse AspectJ™ is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java™ programming language. It is Java platform compatible easy to learn and use.

Eclipse Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN2)

Eclipse BPMN2 is an open source component of the Model Development Tools (MDT) subproject to provide a metamodel implementation based on the forthcoming Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0

Eclipse Maven Integration - m2eclipse

The goal of the Eclipse m2e/m2eclipse™ project is to provide a first-class Apache Maven support in the Eclipse IDE, making it easier to edit Maven's pom.xml, run a build from the IDE and much more

Eclipse Memory Analyzer

The Eclipse Memory Analyzer™ provides a general purpose toolkit to analyze Java heap dumps. Besides heap walking and fast calculation of retained sizes, the Eclipse tool reports leak suspects and

Eclipse Subversive SVN Team Provider

The Eclipse Subversive™ project is focused on development of an Eclipse Platform plug-in which provides SVN support. From the project organization point of view it is close to Eclipse CVS project and

Eclipse Passage

Eclipse Passage 4.0.0 is available! The Eclipse Passage™ project aims to provide rich and easily adaptable capabilities to declare and control licensing constraints. The usage story starts in

Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling)

The Eclipse CDT™ Project provides a fully functional C and C++ Integrated Development Environment based on the Eclipse platform. Features include: support for project creation and managed build for

Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse

Eclipse EGit™ is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed SCM, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making queries against the history

Eclipse JGit: Java implementation of Git

Eclipse JGit™ is a pure Java implementation of the Git version control system. Git is a distributed SCM, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code