
The project produces development tools such as computer programming language tools (compilers, editors, debuggers), performance tools, and test tools.

Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit

The Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) is a tool for vendors, researchers, and end-users who rely on dynamic languages. DLTK is comprised of a set of extensible frameworks designed to reduce the


This project has been merged into the VIATRA project. EMF-IncQuery is a framework for defining declarative queries over EMF models, and executing them efficiently without manual coding. The EMF

Eclipse GMF Tooling

The Eclipse GMF Tooling project provides a model-driven approach to generating graphical editors in the Eclipse IDE. By defining a tooling, graphical and mapping model definition, one can generate a

Eclipse Edapt™

Eclipse Edapt™ defines APIs and provides implementations for the following functionality: Ecore models to specify the changes between two versions of an Ecore model and to compose these as a complete

Eclipse JWT

The Eclipse Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) project provides design time, development time and runtime workflow tools. Thanks to its extensible architecture, it also fosters interoperability between

Eclipse Mobile Tools for Java™

Eclipse Mobile Tools for Java™ project creates tools and frameworks to extend the Eclipse platform to support embedded and mobile device Java application development. News September 15, 2015, Mobile

Eclipse Libra

Eclipse Library provide Eclipse Enterprise Tools for the OSGi Service Platform. The Plug-in Development Environment project and Web Tools Platform project provide plenty of tools for OSGi development

Eclipse Jubula Functional Testing Tool

Eclipse Jubula provides functional GUI testing support for Java and HTML applications. It further provides an anchor point for a broader testing scope including requirements analysis, code coverage of

Eclipse Orion

The Eclipse Orion Project's objective is to create a browser-based open tool integration platform which is entirely focused on developing for the web, in the web. Tools are written in JavaScript and

Eclipse Requirements Modeling Framework™

The Eclipse Requirements Framework™ provides a reference implementation of the Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF), including a GUI (ProR).

Model Focusing Tools

The Model Focusing Tools project brings Mylyn's task-focused interface to modeling tools: Diagram editors, such as for Ecore and UML models Model Navigators Model Outlines EMF generated editors It


The purpose of this project is to provide Machine-to-Machine solutions developers with tools easing the development, simulation, testing/debugging and deployment of such solutions.

Eclipse Lua Development Tools

Eclipse Lua Development Tools (LDT) is about providing Lua developers with an IDE providing the user experience developers expect from any other tool dedicated to a static programming language. Like

Eclipse Andmore

The project develops and maintains technologies for creating Android applications. This ranges from creating new Eclipse components and updating existing components that support Android development to a downloadable package that can be used for new developers and students. The project will maintain parity with current development trends in phones, tablets, smart watches, smart TVs, embedded Android, and future directions for Android development.

Eclipse Package Drone

Eclipse Package Drone™ is a software artifact repository where OSGi™ bundles are first class citizens. The basic idea is, that through some process, be it a build or some manual upload, OSGi bundles

Eclipse Model Driven Health Tools

Eclipse MDHT delivers a standard object-oriented alternative to proprietary development methodologies and tooling used to specify and implement most healthcare industry standards. There are three

Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry

Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry (CFT) provide an extensible framework and common UI to deploy applications to different Cloud Foundry targets, and it is a framework that closely integrates with Web

Eclipse Collections

Eclipse Collections™ is a collections framework for Java. It has JDK-compatible List, Set and Map implementations with a rich API, additional types not found in the JDK like Bags, Multimaps and set of

Eclipse User Storage Service SDK

The Eclipse User Storage Service SDK provides an idiomatic Java library for easy use of the USS by Eclipse RCP-based applications. The USS SDK transparently handles the authentication and login

Eclipse Hudson

Eclipse Hudson is a continuous integration (CI) tool written in Java, which runs in a servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat or the GlassFish application server. It supports SCM tools including CVS