List of Projects

Eclipse Autowrx

Eclipse Autowrx is the open source implementation of (, an industry-wide initiative enabling the automotive industry to establish a new, digital-first approach for the

Cyber Resilience Practices

The Cyber Resilience Practices Project develops specifications designed to help improve the cyber resilience of open source projects and of the products that incorporate these projects and facilitate

Eclipse GlassFish

Eclipse GlassFish® is a complete application server that implements the Jakarta EE specification. GlassFish includes implementations of all required and optional Jakarta EE APIs, and passes all

Eclipse SDV-LVL

Just as the SAE Levels of Autonomy helped to level-set discussion on autonomous driving, the Eclipse SDV-LVL defines a common terminology/taxonomy for capabilities of SDV. In the field of highly

Eclipse Nebula NatTable

Eclipse NatTable™ is a powerful and flexible SWT table/grid widget that is built to handle very large data sets, real-time updates, dynamic styling, and more. NatTable is a subproject of the Eclipse

Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure

The Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure (CBI) is an initiative combining infrastructure, services, technologies and best practices for building, testing and delivering software at the Eclipse

Eclipse Tractus-X

The Eclipse Tractus-X™ project is the official open-source project in the Catena-X ecosystem under the umbrella of the Eclipse Foundation. The Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. promotes, sponsors, and

Eclipse Safe Open Vehicle Core

The Eclipse Safe Open Vehicle Core project aims to develop an open-source core stack for Software Defined Vehicles (SDVs), specifically targeting embedded high-performance Electronic Control Units

Eclipse Connected Services Platform

The Eclipse CSP provides following layers and components: Offboard Platform Layer Data Collection and Processing: Enables gathering and processing vehicle data. Data Acquisition: Vehicles (using a

Eclipse Oniro for OpenHarmony

Eclipse Oniro for OpenHarmony is built upon the foundational layers of OpenHarmony, an open-source project incubated and operated by the OpenAtom Foundation. OpenHarmony is known for its distributed

Eclipse Project

The Eclipse Top-Level Project provides a robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, industrial-strength platform for the development of highly-integrated tools and rich client applications.


Eclipse SEALMAN is an open-source project born from the collaboration of machine builders, offering a comprehensive suite of building blocks for intelligent machines. At its core, Eclipse SEALMAN

Eclipse Trace Compass

Eclipse Trace Compass™ is an open source application to solve performance and reliability issues by reading and analyzing logs or traces of a system. Its goal is to provide views, graphs, metrics, and

Eclipse ESCET (Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit)

The Eclipse Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit (Eclipse ESCET™) project provides a toolkit for the development of supervisory controllers in the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) paradigm

Eclipse Common Security Infrastructure

The Eclipse CSI project combines technologies and practices for securing Eclipse Foundation Projects Software Supply Chain.

Eclipse Scout

Eclipse Scout™ is a one-stop framework with straight concepts, a strong application model and a versatile UI. It enables you to develop professional software in Java or TypeScript.

Eclipse Dataspace Components

Eclipse Dataspace Components (EDC) A dataspace is both a multi-organizational agreement and a supporting technical infrastructure that enables data sharing between two or more participants

Eclipse 4diac

Eclipse 4diac™ has been started 2007 as an open source project fostering the further development of IEC 61499 for its use in distributed Industrial Process Measurement and Control Systems (IPMCS) and

Eclipse Handly™

The Eclipse Handly™ project provides basic building blocks for handle-based models, with an emphasis on language-specific source code models of the underlying Eclipse workspace. It allows creating

Eclipse EMF

Eclipse EMF™ is a modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model. From a model specification described in XMI, EMF provides