List of Projects

Eclipse SommR

Eclipse SommR provides an automotive grade implementation of the SomeIP specification for embedded Linux systems together with the required tools to support developers. Eclipse SommR fosters

Eclipse jbom

Every software project ideally should create a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) and make it available to the public, so that people know the exact version and other details about libraries leveraged

Eclipse SCM

The Stochastic Cognitive Model (SCM) is a driver behavior model for the use in multi-agent highway traffic simulations. SCM models cognitive processes of human drivers ranging from gaze behavior over

Eclipse Digital Twin

Eclipse Digital Twin Top-Level Project is a collaborative, open source initiative at the Eclipse Foundation fostering the development of reference implementations for the activities driven by the

Eclipse ArchE

Eclipse ArchE (Architecture Enabler) provides a tool for Architecture Modeling following an holistic Model-Based-Systems-Engineering (MBSE) approach instead of having a heterogeneous environment of

Eclipse Ambient Light Services

The Eclipse Ambient Light Services showcase vizualizes possible new lighting concepts which are adaptive to different specific driving scenarios, like e.g. coming and leaving but also further options

Eclipse ADAAA (Adaptive Cruise Control Demo Application for Adaptive AUTOSAR)

ADAAA is example application for Adaptive AUTOSAR with the following goals: * Provide a tutorial with simple examples code base for getting involved with AUTOSAR methodology and each functional

Eclipse SWTChart™

Eclipse SWTChart™ allows to create different types of charts. The API is well designed and allows to create Line, Bar and Scatter charts easily. Size, colors, axes, ranges and all aspects of the

Eclipse Temurin Compliance

The Eclipse Temurin Compliance project is responsible for obtaining, managing, and executing the Oracle Java SE Compatibility Kit (JCK) on Eclipse Temurin binaries. The work is done on private

Eclipse Tahu™

Eclipse Tahu™ is a set of references implementations for the Sparkplug specification. It addresses the existence of legacy SCADA/DCS/ICS protocols and infrastructures and provides a much-needed

LocationTech uDig: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS

uDig is an open source desktop application framework, built with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology. uDig provides a complete Java solution for desktop GIS data access, editing, and viewing. User

Model To Text (M2T)

The Model to Text (M2T) project focuses on the generation of textual artifacts from models. Its purpose is threefold: Provide implementations of industry standard and defacto Eclipse standard model-to

Eclipse LSP4Jakarta, the Language Server for Jakarta EE

A language server implementation based on the Language Server Protocol for the Jakarta EE programming model. This LSP4Jakarta (Language Server for Jakarta EE) will provide core language support

Eclipse Tools Project

The mission of Eclipse Tools Project is to foster the creation of a wide variety of exemplary, extensible tools for the Eclipse Platform. The Eclipse Tools Project provides a focal point for diverse

Model Development Tools (MDT)

The Model Development Tools (MDT) container project focuses on big "M" modeling within the Modeling project. Its purpose is twofold: to provide an implementation of industry standard metamodels; and

Eclipse Technology

The Eclipse Technology Project is a top-level project at The Eclipse Foundation. As a top-level project, the Technology Project does not itself contain code, but rather plays host to a large

Eclipse Oniro

The mission of the Eclipse Oniro Top-Level Project is the design, development, production and maintenance of an open source software platform, having an operating system, an ADK/SDK, standard APIs and

Eclipse Adoptium Incubator

The intent of the proposed Eclipse Adoptium Incubator is to foster collaboration, and hopefully results in work proceeding to contribution by their original authors into upstream projects, including

Eclipse Furo

Eclipse Furo provides an enterprise-grade web stack for creating fast, lightweight web apps with web components.


The LocationTech Technology (LTT) project fosters, promotes, and houses location aware efforts in the LocationTech community. These efforts strive towards the common goal of re-usable technology