List of Projects

Eclipse openDuT

Eclipse openDuT automates the testing and validation process for automotive software and applications. This includes offering a framework for the testing and validation process but also includes

Eclipse Zenoh-Flow

Eclipse Zenoh-Flow aims at simplifying and structuring (i) the declaration, (ii) the deployment and (iii) the writing of complex and, potentially, safety-critical applications that can span from the

Eclipse Paho Incubator

A permanent incubator for Paho. A permanent incubator is a project that is intended to perpetually remain in the incubation phase. Permanent incubators are an excellent place to innovate, test new

Eclipse XFSC (Cross Federation Services Components)

Eclipse XFSC (Cross Federation Services Components) develops the software components necessary to set up a federated system that interconnects several participants in a data and service infrastructure

Eclipse Duttile

Eclipse Duttile embrace the AgileConstellation mindset, which have the aim to extend the agile philosophy beyond the software/digital world. An IoT solution belongs to different technological domains

Eclipse fog05

Early IoT applications, especially those addressing the consumer market, have been embracing cloud-centric architectures in which data is pushed up to the cloud. It is within the cloud the everything

Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)

The Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework™ (GEF) provides Eclipse-integrated end-user tools in terms of a Graphviz authoring (DOT editor, DOT Graph view) and a word cloud rendering environment (Tag

Eclipse Cloud Development

The mission of ECD is to create technologies, platforms, and tools necessary to enable the delivery of highly integrated cloud development and cloud developer environments. Our vision is to meet the

Eclipse Spatio-Temporal Epidemiological Modeler

The Eclipse Spatio-Temporal Epidemiological Modeler (STEM) is a tool designed to help scientists and public health officials create and use models of emerging infectious diseases. STEM uses

Eclipse Kuksa

The open Eclipse KUKSA™ project aims to provide shared building blocks for the Software Defined Vehicles that can be shared across the industry. A modern car contains more than 200 millions lines of

Eclipse Orbit Project

The Eclipse Orbit project provides a repository of bundled versions of third party libraries that are approved for use in one or more Eclipse projects. The repository maintains current and old versions of such libraries to facilitate current builds as well as the rebuilding of historical output. The contents of Orbit are available in several different forms (e.g., Update Site, download archives, ...). As the Eclipse tooling evolves, developers will be able to easily obtain and add supplied bundles to their workspace or target platform.

Eclipse Photran Fortran Development Tools

The aim of the Parallel Tools Platform project is to produce an open-source industry-strength platform that provides a highly integrated environment specifically designed for parallel application

Eclipse Dash

Eclipse Dash is a place where the community itself collaborates on tools for community awareness and collaboration in support of our ultimate objective of committer quality and cooperation.

Eclipse OpenCert

Eclipse OpenCert is a customizable safety assurance and certification tool environment integrated into existing manufacturers’ development and safety assurance processes and tooling. The OpenCert

Eclipse Automotive

The Eclipse Automotive Top-Level Project provides a space for open source projects to explore ideas and technologies addressing challenges in the automotive, mobility and transportation domain. It is

Gemini Web

Gemini Web is the Reference Implementation of the Web Applications Specification from the OSGi Alliance.

Gemini Naming

The Gemini Naming project implements support for using the Java Naming and Directory Interface™ (also known as JNDI™) within an OSGi environment. This project provides the following: a standard

Gemini Management

Gemini Management implements the JMX Specification Version of the OSGi Service Platform Enterprise Specification, Version 5.0. To learn more about Gemini Management you can read the documentation. The

Gemini JPA

The Gemini JPA project provides the ability to leverage JPA persistence in a modular environment. It is the continuation of the Reference Implementation for the JPA chapter of the OSGi Alliance

Gemini DBAccess

  • Archived

The Gemini DBAccess project is about providing modularized access to JDBC resources. It exports a DataSourceFactory object so that client applications of the JDBC driver can import and access the